For nearly three years now the American public has been inundated with Left Wing lies about the President colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election. 99% of the American media spewed this lie on an hourly basis. The Democrats Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Elijah Cummings and Mr. Racist himself Al Green, to name a few, all of which are supported by their leaders Nancy, ding dong Pelosi and cryin’ Chuck Schumer have screamed impeachment at every turn. “We have the evidence proving the President colluded” says Adam Schiff. Yet he’s never come forth with any. “Impeach 45” yells all mouth mad-Maxine. At least she doesn’t even pretend to have any evidence, she will simply tell you, she doesn’t like him. And then we have the deep state. Fired FBI Director James Comey, Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan and the Director of National Intelligence clap on clap off James Clapper. These three so called experts haven’t missed an opportunity to slander the President and deceive the American people.
The President had no sooner taken office than a special counsel, Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate the Russian interference into our Presidential election and to learn what role the President himself played.
Hardly anyone in the media and no one on the Left or any of these three deep state lapdogs cared at all that Obama was the President in 2016 and did absolutely nothing to constrain the Russians. Many truth seekers actually believe President Obama helped, if not lead, this whole Trump/Russian set-up.
For two years now as the Trump supporters attempted to fight back, the Left’s and the media’s go to answer was united and consistent, “we must wait for the Mueller report”.
Well guess what? The Mueller report was finally released this week and after 3 years, 500 witnesses and 25 million taxpayer dollars spent, Mueller came to the place that the President and his dumb, deplorable, Walmart, uneducated supporters have been since the beginning. There was no collusion by the President, no collusion by those working for the President, no collusion within the Trump family and in fact, there is no evidence that any American citizen colluded with the Russians.

With the Mueller report in hand, did this resolve this issue among the Democrats, the media and the deep state actors? Hell no. What did happen, as if it was their plan all along, they turned away from their savior, Mueller and immediately redirected their anger and lies toward the new Attorney General, Bill Barr. Why Barr? Because the President nominated him and I guess because all that Barr has done is receive the three yearlong Mueller report and then, as his job requires, presented the report to Congress and the American people. Not good enough say the Democrats with the media agreeing as they always do. The other immediate narrative shift was to drop the collusion narrative and move full steam ahead to obstruction. “It is clear this President obstructed Mueller’s investigation”, says the Leftist choir. “Look no further than the President’s own words and actions in the Mueller report” says the Leftist choir continuing their lies and deception.
The report provided examples where the President wanted Mueller fired and where the President showed great anger to his staff over the special counsel and the investigation. He yelled profanity at Jeff Sessions when Sessions recused himself from the investigation. “This proves the President worked to obstruct the special counsel’s work.” Adam Schittt for brains proclaims.
I am an open and obvious supporter of the President. When I hear all of this, what comes to my mind is “of course he was and is pissed off”. The Left, the media and the deep state have accused him of cheating by using the Russian Government to win. The very Attorney General he first nominated turned his back and ran from the President. This lie was being spewed around the world as this new, non-politician President was attempting to manage the affairs of the country and it was/is undermining his every action. And just as frustrating, if not more, all of this went on while no one was seeking out the people who started this fake narrative. Clinton and the DNC bought and paid for the so called Russian Dossier which has since been proven to be unverified, not true. The FBI used this fake dossier made up of lies to secure a warrant from the FISA court allowing them to spy on an American citizen who, oh by the way just happened to be running for President.
Hillary was supposed to win. The media gave her a 99% chance of winning, remember? But, she didn’t and when that was clear, the Left and the deep state put their plan into action.

I will be the first to admit that I am not a legal expert. Not even in the slightest. But you tell me how the President obstructed this fake, made up nightmare of an investigation. My simple mind looks at it this way.
1. Was a special counsel hired? Yes
2. Did the President, which is within his right, fire the special counsel? No
3. Did the President stop the special counsel from interviewing anyone he wanted? No
4. Did the President provide the special counsel with everything requested of him? Yes (over a million documents. But who’s counting.)
5. Was the special counsel able to finish his investigation and write his report the way he wanted? Yes.
6. Did the President have any say in what the report contained? No
So tell me, where in the above true statements did the President obstruct this made up hoax? Also, you tell me how you could possibly be charged with obstructing something that should have never been something. I, once again, have no choice but to throw the bullshit flag on the Democrats, the media and those deep state actors including Mrs. Bill Clinton.

Sadly, while the above is true and looks great, the game is not over and never will be over in the eye of the evil doers.
The uneducated, gun toting, bible carrying, Walmart shopping Trump supporters now live for the day that real justice is brought forward. All of these actors must now face the music and trust me, they will not hold up as well as the President has these past three years. They will turn on each other like the rats that they are. Brennan will point to Clapper and Clapper to Comey and Comey to Clinton and Clinton to Obama. And it can’t happen soon enough. As the President says, this cannot ever happen again to anyone.
We’ve just lived through a period where the American Government attempted to overthrow an American President. That’s not supposed to happen in our free America. But it has and it must be exposed and corrected. Congratulations Mr. President, I never doubted you. Now let’s go get these bastards.