This week’s brilliant award goes to the President. Late in the week, he suggested that he is considering releasing all the illegals into the so called sanctuary cities. This of course caused the reaction our 4D chess playing President expected. Outrage!
First, to state the obvious, the Left is outraged about everything so let’s not get all up in arms about that. Let’s face it, anything that has anything to do with putting America and Americans first, in the eyes of a Demo”rat” is outrageous… They really are an embarrassment.
Back to the brilliance of the President. What his suggestion has done is for all those on the Left who have preached to us for the past three years about how important these illegals are and how much wealth they bring to our country to express their true feelings. “How dare the President weaponize illegal immigrants against the American people?” Nancy Pelosi. The Governor of California came out in strong opposition to the President’s idea. He said the President’s idea was, and I quote “asinine.”

Whoa, hold on to your hats folks! According to the Left, these illegals are good people who bring great wealth to our economy. Leadership (what a joke that is) in California and New York, to name just two, turned their states, without a vote mind you, into Sanctuary States so these wonderful law breaking illegal aliens could have a safe harbor. So, what’s the problem? Where are the open, loving arms?
Please, don’t tell me that you idiots are being hypocritical? Say it isn’t so… Now that y’all have made your real position clear, what I am hearing you put down is that you are all in favor of illegal aliens entering our country just as long as the Feds drop them off in states other than yours. Do I have that right?
You see ladies and gentlemen, these blue state leftist Shit holes don’t want or need any more illegals. They have enough votes already to keep their states blue. They need more of these law breakers to be dropped off in red states where they desperately need more votes. But wait, illegals don’t vote, right? WRONG!
I am probably over thinking all of this. It’s more likely that these Leftists are against this idea for the simple reason that it came from the President. There is a stronger probability that these idiots don’t think beyond the toilet seat.
When I first heard about the President’s proposal and the Left’s reaction I tweeted; I never thought I would say this but, I am beginning to feel sorry for the illegals. I mean they walk thousands of miles to get out of their shit hole countries, arrive in America and what does the President do? He places them in shit-hole states. The poor bastards must be thinking, “If I wanted to live in a shit hole I could have stayed home.” A few hundred of my followers got a kick out of that.
You gotta love this President. Only Trump has been able to turn the tables on these snakes. He has made them come out in favor MS 13 gang members, drug lords, child traffickers, and socialism over the American taxpaying citizen. Or rather, he has exposed them for who they really are and have always been. They bite every time. #Triggered.
On a serious note, I like the idea a lot. Perhaps unloading 100,000 plus illegals into these states will give cause, once and for all, to the good people of these states to stand up and fight for their rights. Hundreds of billions of dollars per year are being pissed away by these states to house, educate and provide healthcare for these aliens and all at your expense. To you folks in California; there is a reason that your gasoline cost twice as much as everyone else… this is one of the reasons. Until the red blooded, tax paying, patriots in this country stand up and are heard, this crap is going to continue. When is enough, enough? What more do you people have to have thrown in your face until a light bulb comes on?
A vote for a Democrat is a vote against your liberty. For the love of the country and your family, I hope and pray y’all wake the hell up soon. Instead of worrying about Cortez’s 12 year “world coming to an end” climate change, you better start doing something about these Leftist, socialism wanting, anti-American, pink hat, terrorism loving A-holes. “Doing ALWAYS beats saying.” So get to doing!
Have a great week everyone! Oh, almost forgot, how great was Tiger today? I’d have to say he was “masterful!”