In these weekly blogs, I think I’ve made it pretty clear just how much I dislike and distrust the Left, the Democrats and the Media. Truth be told, you are probably tired of hearing it. I hope that’s not the case but would completely understand if it were.
What I find the “most” disappointing though are the millions of Americans (half of the country) that support the nonsense we are forced to endure.

How is it even possible that so many people can be so different in their thinking than I? Seriously, I don’t understand how our living in the same country and having so much in common can put us on opposite ends of life. In fairness, I suspect they would pose the same question to me.
How, I ask you can millions of Americans under any circumstance support killing a baby? What is wrong with them? What is so amazing is that these are the very same folks who will absolutely lose their shit if you don’t recycle or God forbid, use a plastic straw.
Why do these people continue to reelect the same morons who haven’t delivered, ever, on a single promise made to them? I don’t get it? You tell me why someone like Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi don’t even have to try to be reelected. Neither of these and so many others in the party have done squat to make the lives of their voters better. Both are multi-millionaires. Why is it so many in the country are so blind that they can’t even put two and two together? You don’t have to be a political junkie to see that the Democrats don’t give a flying squat about them. Just look at the states. If it’s run by Democrats, it’s a mess, broke, high taxes, high crime and insane laws. Yet those leading these states down the continued path of destruction are reelected. I don’t get it and never accept it.
I understand that 40 some-odd percent of the American voters doesn’t pay taxes and maybe that’s where the problem lies. These must be the folks that buy into the lies and promises of all things free but even these people should be opposed to high crime, open borders and politicians who don’t deliver. Right?
Yesterday, a couple of the Democrats who are running for President again slammed President Trump over calling immigrants animals. The MSM was happy to give these lame candidates the air time to spew their lies so that the very people I am writing about could soak it all in and worse, believe it. “No human being deserve to be called an animal” they said.
First, when the President said that he was specifically referring to the MS13 gang members. Specifically. Second, he made that comment over a year ago. They made it sound like he said it yesterday. And thirdly, these aren’t immigrants, these are stone cold killers.

You tell me, do these look like people you want hanging around your neighborhood? Are you fine leaving the border wide open so just anyone can stroll over and kill people? If these aren’t animals then what would you call them? The Left would have us believe that they are just misunderstood folks trying to live a better life… And some 150M Americans believe them. And worse, these same Democrats have convinced half the population that our ICE agents who are charged with rounding these animals up and deporting them are the bad guys… I ask you again, how is this even possible?
BTW, these Dem Presidential candidates I am referring to? They openly called the President a racist. What’s comical about this (lie) is they did so while speaking at a town hall held by Rev. Al Sharpton. Think about that… Racist, Al Sharpton… you with me? I never seen so many racist under one roof.
Below is another very simple example of just how the Democrats on the Left use these mindless Americans. We all know, because they remind us at every turn that it is them, the Democrats that care about all people. They are fighting for our rights and freedom. They are the loving party who stand for the dignity of life (Setting aside of course they’re okay with killing a baby even after it is born.) That’s why they fight for greater gun control, they are fighting for our safety. They support you, me, and every American citizen in-between.

If that is the case then why is it that they allow their two newly elected Muslims, IIhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib to run amuck? Both have made it more than clear that they are anti-Israel and both support Sharia Law over the American Constitution. To our LGBTQ friends out there, you do realize Sharia Law requires you to be killed, right?
I can hear it now, “OMG Dan, you have lost your mind, we will never be ruled by Sharia Law.” Did you know that in New York the Muslims have their own police? They stroll the streets in their own police cars making sure “their” laws are abided by. Look it up if you don’t believe me. Obama planted thousands upon thousands of Muslim refugees in the country during his eight years; so many so that Omar and Tlaib overwhelmingly won their elections to become Congresswomen. A few weeks ago I watched members (a dozen or more) of the Muslim brotherhood (labeled as terrorist by the US Government) on TV. They escorted Tlaib to her office inside the halls of the US congress. As American reporters attempt to question the congresswoman, the brotherhood surrounded her, keeping the press away and did so with smiles on their faces. I may have very well lost my mind. What I don’t want to do is to lose my country.

All I really want to accomplish is to open the eyes of the other half of the country. The Democrat party doesn’t care about any of us. Votes! That’s what they care about and trust me when I tell you, when I preach at you, that is all they care about. For God’s sake people, know your enemy and fight them. They are power hungry people and they don’t have your best interests in mind. You tell me, what have they done to make your life better? Are you safer because of them? Are you richer? Is your healthcare better? Let me guess, the answer is no but, by God getting food stamps was a lot easier… Call me radical if you want. I know my parasites and I will do my part to step on them.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch so to speak, our President is dealing with;

LOL, love the song and love this President. Y’all have heard the saying “You can’t fix stupid”, right? Sadly, I am beginning to believe it. A sane person, after enduring eight years of Obama’s fundamental change of America, I had my own “hope & change” that “stupid” would finally see the light. I was wrong. It’s getting worse not better. Fight on, I will, I hope you’ll join me and help change one stupid mind at a time.
Before I go, I ran into this meme this morning that might just be the answer to stupid… I hate having to call upon our guys for yet another thing but, you know, you do what you have to do.