The President had a good week. It must feel good to be proven correct after two years of being accused of Russian collusion. The diehards on the Left will never be satisfied. Who cares?
As the President knows and as already started to take advantage of, most Americans have long since grown tired of the Russian hoax and are more than ready to move onto the real needs of the country. If anything, his supporter’s biggest frustration has been that he hasn’t been able to do half of what he could have done all because of this hoax which has eaten up two years of his four. If you think about it, what he has accomplished amidst all of these distractions is pretty impressive. Most humans would have been completely stuck in the mud fighting to survive and most, if any, wouldn’t have. The truth is, those on the Left who attempted to take the President down completely under estimated the man. While most men would have broken in two, every indication is that he enjoyed the fight and has a lot of fight left in him.
My guess is that the fight isn’t over though, in all actuality, it’s just the beginning. Those people who attempted to take down the President aren’t done, not by a long shot and thankfully, neither is the President.

Remember this? This is an actual Hillary email sent to the head of the DNC, Donna Brazile during the 2016 election.
Ms. Donna would become a known cheater and eventually be forced to resign after being exposed for providing the CNN debate questions to Hillary prior to the actual debate. This is pretty funny if you think about it. I mean she knew ahead of time what the questions would be and Trump still waxed the floor with her. As you know, Brazile was just hired by Fox News as a contributor. Doesn’t say much for Fox News does it…
The President has made the “deep state” an everyday saying. If you’re tuned in at all, most aren’t, you know exactly who he is referring to when he says it. Just in case, let me provide you with the leaders of the so called “deep state.” Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey & Lynch. These are the quarterbacks. The list of their co-conspiritors is far too large for me to list. Trust me, there are many.
With the Mueller report disappointing all of those on the Left, some are now suggesting that it is time to move on and put the past behind us. Greta Van Susteran said “don’t pour fire on good news.” Meaning, Mr. President you got good news from Mueller, now let it go. Obviously she is another in a long list of people on the Left that still don’t get who the President is. He doesn’t let anything go. The man is still kicking John McCain’s ass and he’s dead! Y’all remember John McCain right? He’s the Republican that gave a copy of the fake Russian dossier to the FBI. Mr. Deep State himself. Power, control, revenge. Gonna be lot’s of great books to read before this is all said and done.
Can you even begin to imagine how awful it must be to get up every morning and report to Washington, DC? We’ve all sufferred from stress in our jobs and daily lives, right? Our experience has to be nothing compared to what these people go through knowing that everyone you work with is a back stabbing, lying, cheating adversary, who is out to gain more power & money and there is nothing they wouldn’t do to get it. Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t feel sorry for them, not one bit. They bring this on themselves and seem to relish in it. Meanwhile, we the people get hosed day in and day out. The fruad, waste and abuse is unimaginable. And these deep state charaters are not about to just give up. If the President actually does drain the swamp, the country will be battered and bruised but better off.

The Democrat Party is in full-on scramble mode. You have to be blind not to see it. Just look at the people they have running for President. Just spend two minutes looking into their backgrounds or reading their platform(s). They’re a group of nutjobs so far to the Left that only the two liberal leftist moron coasts even understand what the hell they are saying.
While these losers peddle their America-last agendas, the deep state charaters are huddled in their dark corners wondering if the President is going to actually go all in to expose them.
Will the President release the confidentcial documents? Will he release the FISA documents that Comey signed off on? Will he expose Obama and show the world he authorized the FBI to spy on him during the 2016 campaign? Will he release the white hats exposing Brennan and Clapper? Will we finally understand what Lynch and Bill chatted about on the tarmac? Will he go so far as to give the American people the real story on Benghazi and just exactly what the email queen did?
Any American interested in taking back our Government should be in favor of exposing everything. I honestly believe that the Obama years were the most destructive years ever in the history of our country. Not since Ronald Regan have we had a President who actually put America first. Between the Bush family elitist, the dirty dealings of the Clintons to the dividing racist actions of Obama, we as Americans have sufferred. Our country and our lifes were not made better by these deep state actors, they were made worse.
Cleaning this up is a BIG job. If anyone has the balls to take this on, it’s Trump. I don’t know about you but, I am personally up for the fight and in fact, really looking forward to it! This makes the everyday issues such as the wall, or healthcare, Iran, North Korea and the big bad Russians look like child’s play.

Hopefully we will soon see Hillary. Justice will never be restored until you and all your fellow deep state actors are exposed and prosecuted.
Your arrogance is about to be “roped” in.