Boy is that an understatement… If I didn’t see all the nonsense with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it. I hope I live long enough to read what the history books says about all we are witnessing.
For two years or more, we’ve been bombarded with Russian collusion. The Democrats have been screaming about impeaching the President, the media has beat this dead horse night after night. They have convinced millions upon millions of Americans that this President won the 2016 election by colluding with the Russian Government to steal the election. We’ve listened to top Government officials tell us that it is only a matter of time until the President is indicted. A special counsel was appointed to get to the bottom of this. Just two days ago, the former Director of the CIA said that more indictments were coming. The former CIA Director… No matter where the President was he was questioned about his involvement. The world has watched as the Democrats in congress and main stream media accused this man of cheating his way into office. If you listen to them, the fact that I and 63 million like me, personally voted for the President what you hear is nothing. It’s as if that never happened.
What these people have done to this President and to the division of this country is simply unacceptable. If you care at all about our country you cannot allow this to stand. These people have attempted, right here in the United States of America, to overthrow a duly elected President. They’ve lied to us, pitted us against each other and after spending 25 million taxpayer dollars what do we have?

We’ve now learned (like it was ever a question…)that this long drawn out fraud of an investigation is over. The verdict? No Russian collusion and no obstruction of justice. Will the Democrats accept this verdict? No. Will the mainstream media accept this verdict? No. Will anyone apologize to the President for this horrible accusation? No.
The rest of the world must watch all this nonsense and laugh.
Do you feel justice has been equally served? Do you want to see another investigation focusing on the real Russian collusion? What people forget is that the so called collusion started during the Obama Administration. All of them involved with this attempt to remove our President, (Obama, and Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Comey and many others) absolutely must be brought before the American people if we are ever going to have the ability to restore any faith in the American justice system. The Left has already transitioned away from Russian collusion and now will focus on Trump the private businessman. They will seek to find anything they can to keep this disgusting immoral hatred alive. This is all about power and protection of their beloved criminal party.

Meanwhile the real collusion invades us and the Left hopes we grow so tired of it that we get to a point where we just give up, just move on, leave the real corrupt individuals to fight on, to undermine our liberties and grow their power, to promote socialism, open borders, women’s healthcare (translation abortion all the way up to the 3rd trimester) and of course climate change (it was global warming but that didn’t work out so they changed to climate change. What will it be when this doesn’t work out? Global Cooling?).
I don’t know if the country can ever heal after eight years of Obama dividing us followed by these past two years of continued divide. The Left fears that they can no longer win elections the traditional way, so they now are promoting, among other things, dropping the voting age to 16 which would be fine, but I couldn’t even get my 16 year olds to clean their damn room. Double the size of the Supreme Court, and their old standby, formalize the ability for illegals to vote. I say formalize because this has been happening for years.
So my friends, yes, we are living in crazy times. I pray for our Nation and I pray that we can restore our equal justice system. Our way of life depends upon it. What we’ve just lived through is not ok.