At a certain point this week, I hit a wall with politics. When the dirty dozen (Republicans) voted against the President’s National Emergency order I was not a happy camper. Like so many others in the twit world, I hammered these Republicans all week long telling them to not even think about turning their backs on us and the President, but obviously to no avail. All of them want us to believe that they were 100% for additional border security but could not vote for the President’s executive order because it was unconstitutional. They claim that “Only Congress has the power of the purse.“ While former Presidents have declared many emergencies including Obama who also managed to give billions in cash to Iran. Y’all here about any congress people raising hell about that? No you didn’t. In fact you didn’t even hear about it until after it was done.
The Rundown:
Trump asks Congress for funding for border security – Because he cares about our safety
Congress votes no – Because they don’t care about our safety
Trump declares a National Emergency – Because he cares about our safety
Congress votes no – They double down, proving that they don’t care about our safety
Trump vetoes – Promises made, promises kept
As for the dirty dozen, I, for one will continue to remind everyone I know what these fake Republicans did in the hope that the country chooses someone different in the next election.

The fact of the matter is that I actually agree that Congress has the power of the purse but… They are also the ones that gave the office of the Presidency the power to declare emergencies and to do what the office deems necessary in the emergency. The real slap in the face is that nearly all of the other emergencies by prior Presidents were about other countries and the money flowed toward the emergency without a peep. We weren’t even aware of all of these emergencies until now. Ronald Reagan declared six emergencies. George H.W. Bush five. Bill Clinton, 17. George W. Bush – 13. Barack Obama – 12. All 57 of these emergencies involved other countries. Only this President puts America first. That I can tell you.
The Democrats and the MSM tell us that the President is simply making a political statement over the wall and that there is no emergency; this, while 75,000 illegals entered the country in February. Yet when Obama declared an emergency blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen, Congress was all in…
Ding Dong Pelosi tells us that we cannot afford to fund the President’s border security proposals yet we spend 20 times the amount he is asking for annually, housing, feeding, educating and providing medical needs for illegals.
No emergency? Tell that to those who have lost love ones to an illegal. Several Americans were killed just this past week alone by illegals. Pelosi considers this collateral damage. Translation, a few lives here and there is acceptable.
The amount of disdain toward this President is simply unbelievable. The Left and the media will stop at nothing to ruin this President even if it means the death of Americans, even if it means the destruction of our economy, the loss of jobs. There is no limit to what they will do in their endeavor to regain power.
Meanwhile and don’t ask me how, the President presses on. His vision remains clear, America first. While the Liberals work 24/7 to convince us that the President is some evil, racist hateful person, his every act favors the American people.
The media is so relentless they’d have us all believe that the President isn’t even of the human race. Because of their hatred, we are denied the loving, caring human side of this President. He does so many great and caring things all the time, yet you’d never know it. A veteran, a few weeks ago said all he wanted for his 100th birthday was to talk to the President. He received a call wishing him a happy birthday. A man dying of cancer wrote a letter to the President telling him of his illness and thanking the President for all he was doing. The President called him and told him to keep fighting. A young man has his MAGA hat ripped off his head by a leftist thug and the President signs a new hat and sends it to the kid.

Last week he visited the site where the hurricane hit in Alabama. While listening to what had happened to one couple, both the husband and wife who had lost everything asked the President for a hug. All three embraced.
Despite what the Left and the Media would have you believe, this President is human and he actually does care about others and he proves this every day, we just aren’t given this side of the story because of their hate.

Pictured here is the President just days after September 11th replacing the American Flag on top of a New York building. Guess what? He wasn’t President then but he was a younger billionaire who loves our country and cherishes our flag. The Left would have you believe he just pretends to love our country for political gain.

The picture above is of the President giving a speech honoring law enforcement. He is holding the hand of a lady who had lost her son. She wouldn’t let go of his hand and he wouldn’t let go of hers.

This is a picture of the President with his granddaughter. Yes folks, the President is a grandpa and he loves his grandchildren, it’s not fake love.
You have to be a political junkie to even find things like these pictures and stories. You have to work very hard to find the good things that this President does. For me, that is both very sad and shameful.
The American media and the Left do all Americans a great disservice by hiding these stories and painting the President in a horrific light.
We do have a crisis at the border. The American people elected the President because he promised to put us first, he promised to keep us safe. Yet the American congress and the American media are relentless in their drive to defame this man.
Just imagine what the look and feel of our country would be if we had honest reporting by the media. Just think about what progress we could have already accomplished if not for the continual political infighting within congress. Instead of spending nearly three years listening to made up Russian collusion, we could have a stronger border with less illegals sucking up tax dollars. We could be enjoying new roads, bridges and airports. California could be building new dams to (once and for all) stop the nonsense of drought. The Left wouldn’t have taken the House back and we wouldn’t be listening to the crazy nut job Cortez or the anti-Semites like Omar. Instead we’d have people who are actually working with the President who love America.

Promises made, promises kept. On Friday the President did what he said he would do. He vetoed congresses bill denouncing his National Emergency. Congress isn’t done showing us that they don’t consider our safety important though. Expect lawsuits and their attempt to override the veto. As I keep saying, there is no end to their desire to bring this President to his knees. If people die along the way, oh well. This is so sad, so wrong and yet quite true.
Thank you Mr. President for all that you do. Keep fighting for us, we need you.