Either I am watching too much news or this country has absolutely gone bonkers. I think I said in a recent post, the Democrats keep outdoing themselves and then another week goes by and they manage to reach new levels of stupidity. Their nonsense is so outrageous that I am beginning to question whether or not they are purposely trying to lose the next election or start a civil war.
Have they always been this way or have I just been asleep like the majority of Americans? One thing is for certain, this is not your Dad’s Democrat Party. These people are flat out determined to take this country away from us. Do they have anything to offer that puts America first?

This week it started with the House of Representatives debating with themselves as to how, if at all, to discipline their freshmen representative and Somalia refugee transplant Omar for her many anti-Semitic remarks. This is a woman who was rescued from hell (Somalia) and brought to heaven (America) and has yet to have anything good to say about us and if you’re a Jew, forget about it. She hates you even more and yet the Democrats refuse to publicly denounce her actions. It is bad enough they gave her a seat on the Foreign Relations Committee in the first place but even now after her hateful comments they have no intention of removing her from the committee.
Ding-Dong Pelosi called all her robots together to discuss what action the party should take against Omar and according to reports she walked out of the meeting in disgust because her peeps (the other demons, I mean Democrats) wouldn’t listen to her. “If you’re not going to listen I am leaving.” Like that was some threat.
Pelosi headed for the microphone; which is always a treat. Speaking to the Omar issue she said “I think she has a different experience in the use of words, doesn’t understand that some of them are fraught with meaning.” Can you tell me what the hell that even means?
At the end of the week-long debate, they settled on a resolution that denounced hate speech against African Americans, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, immigrants, and others including the LGBTQ community oh and Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders. So, what began as hateful Anti-Semitic speech by a member of the U.S. Congress turned into a watered down version of “don’t say mean things to anyone.” Well anyone except white Christians.

Meanwhile, our transplanted Muslim from Somali was not even mentioned in the resolution and in fact was given the opportunity to edit the resolution prior to its publication. The end result, you ask? She’s still smiling as she applies her hate throughout the country. I don’t know what’s worse, that she and others get away with this or that the Jewish community continues to vote for and support the Democratic Party. To be certain, neither of these are good for America or Israel.
While I thought this was outrageous enough and figured the Left couldn’t out do themselves any more in one week, they took their anti-American rhetoric up another notch when they announced their desire to allow all those within our borders the right to vote.

These political cartoons are supposed to be funny but as of late, they seem to be accurate in depicting the future. The party of open borders realize they are losing the American voter and now openly invite all non-American illegals to vote.
Basically, the Dems have a strong base which clearly includes the shithole cities on both coasts, the illegal aliens and of course, the dependable deceased.
So, if I am to understand, our jobs as Americans are to pay our damn taxes and shut the hell up. It makes perfect sense for us to allow illegals from other countries to choose our elected officials, even President. It’s the fair thing to do… “All people within our borders must no longer have their vote suppressed” said the queen Ding-Dong Pelosi in her news conference celebrating their proposed HR1 which is a simple 700 page “For the People Act.” When they say all people they mean all people except you and me.

The bill passed in the House 228-197 basically along party lines. Thankfully Senate Majority Leader McConnell made it clear that the bill is dead upon arrival in the Senate. Translation, the Senate won’t even look at it.
To be clear, this bill was not only about votes it was also designed to send a message to the President over the border wall. This is how the Democrats swing… They want the President and us know that not only is a wall not necessary but these poor, poor people illegally entering our country should have the same rights as you and me. If they can pick up 10 million or more votes in the process, well that’s even better.
I am here to tell you, if you don’t think that the Democrat Party and the MSM is the enemy within that honest Abe warned us about all those many years ago then you my friend better throw some cold water on your face and wake the hell up!
I challenge you to pick a week, any week and just listen to the news and what these Democrats have to say. You will quickly understand they are not working for us. These people have a one track mind and that is to completely take control over every part of our lives. They will use the word “free” as their opening line to almost every idea or proposal they have. When they do that, I encourage you to remember what your Dad told you, “If it sounds too good to be true, it is.” Nothing is free in life. Everything we do comes at a price. At this point these Democrats make China, Russia and the Middle East look like friends to America. Fight for America folks. She’s worth it. In the meantime, “keep it together, keep it together.”