It’s Not Over

The President had a good week. It must feel good to be proven correct after two years of being accused of Russian collusion. The diehards on the Left will never be satisfied. Who cares?

As the President knows and as already started to take advantage of, most Americans have long since grown tired of the Russian hoax and are more than ready to move onto the real needs of the country. If anything, his supporter’s biggest frustration has been that he hasn’t been able to do half of what he could have done all because of this hoax which has eaten up two years of his four. If you think about it, what he has accomplished amidst all of these distractions is pretty impressive. Most humans would have been completely stuck in the mud fighting to survive and most, if any, wouldn’t have. The truth is, those on the Left who attempted to take the President down completely under estimated the man. While most men would have broken in two, every indication is that he enjoyed the fight and has a lot of fight left in him.

My guess is that the fight isn’t over though, in all actuality, it’s just the beginning. Those people who attempted to take down the President aren’t done, not by a long shot and thankfully, neither is the President.

We’re counting on it Hillary

Remember this? This is an actual Hillary email sent to the head of the DNC, Donna Brazile during the 2016 election.

Ms. Donna would become a known cheater and eventually be forced to resign after being exposed for providing the CNN debate questions  to Hillary prior to the actual debate. This is pretty funny if you think about it. I mean she knew ahead of time what the questions would be and Trump still waxed the floor with her. As you know, Brazile was just hired by Fox News as a contributor. Doesn’t say much for Fox News does it…

The President has made the “deep state” an everyday saying. If you’re tuned in at all, most aren’t, you know exactly who he is referring to when he says it. Just in case, let me provide you with the leaders of the so called “deep state.”  Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey & Lynch. These are the quarterbacks. The list of their co-conspiritors is far too large for me to list. Trust me, there are many.

With the Mueller report disappointing all of those on the Left, some are now suggesting that it is time to move on and put the past behind us. Greta Van Susteran said “don’t pour fire on good news.” Meaning, Mr. President you got good news from Mueller, now let it go. Obviously she is another in a long list of people on the Left that still don’t get who the President is. He doesn’t let anything go. The man is still kicking John McCain’s ass and he’s dead! Y’all remember John McCain right? He’s the Republican that gave a copy of the fake Russian dossier to the FBI. Mr. Deep State himself. Power, control, revenge. Gonna be lot’s of great books to read before this is all said and done.

Can you even begin to imagine how awful it must be to get up every morning and report to Washington, DC? We’ve all sufferred from stress in our jobs and daily lives, right? Our experience has to be nothing compared to what these people go through knowing that everyone you work with is a back stabbing, lying, cheating adversary, who is out to gain more power & money and there is nothing they wouldn’t  do to get it. Don’t misunderstand me.  I don’t feel sorry for them, not one bit. They bring this on themselves and seem to relish in it. Meanwhile, we the people get hosed day in and day out. The fruad, waste and abuse is unimaginable. And these deep state charaters are not about to just give up. If the President actually does drain the swamp, the country will be battered and bruised but better off.


The Democrat Party is in full-on scramble mode. You have to be blind not to see it. Just look at the people they have running for President. Just spend two minutes looking into their backgrounds or reading their platform(s). They’re a group of nutjobs so far to the Left that only the two liberal leftist moron coasts even understand what the hell they are saying.

While these losers peddle their America-last agendas, the deep state charaters are huddled in their dark corners wondering if the President is going to actually go all in to expose them.

Will the President release the confidentcial documents? Will he release the FISA documents that Comey signed off on? Will he expose Obama and show the world he authorized the FBI to spy on him during the 2016 campaign? Will he release the white hats exposing Brennan and Clapper? Will we finally understand what Lynch and Bill chatted about on the tarmac? Will he go so far as to give the American people the real story on Benghazi and just exactly what the email queen did?

Any American interested in taking back our Government should be in favor of exposing everything. I honestly believe that the Obama years were the most destructive years ever in the history of our country. Not since Ronald Regan have we had a President who actually put America first. Between the Bush family elitist, the dirty dealings of the Clintons to the dividing racist actions of Obama, we as Americans have sufferred. Our country and our lifes were not made better by these deep state actors, they were made worse.

Cleaning this up is a BIG job. If anyone has the balls to take this on, it’s Trump. I don’t know about you but, I am personally up for the fight and in fact, really looking forward to it! This makes the everyday issues such as the wall, or healthcare, Iran, North Korea and the big bad Russians look like child’s play.

It makes all the difference in the world

Hopefully we will soon see Hillary. Justice will never be restored until you and all your fellow deep state actors are exposed and prosecuted.

Your arrogance is about to be “roped” in.  

Crazy Times

Boy is that an understatement… If I didn’t see all the nonsense with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it.  I hope I live long enough to read what the history books says about all we are witnessing.

For two years or more, we’ve been bombarded with Russian collusion. The Democrats have been screaming about impeaching the President, the media has beat this dead horse night after night. They have convinced millions upon millions of Americans that this President won the 2016 election by colluding with the Russian Government to steal the election. We’ve listened to top Government officials tell us that it is only a matter of time until the President is indicted.  A special counsel was appointed to get to the bottom of this. Just two days ago, the former Director of the CIA said that more indictments were coming. The former CIA Director… No matter where the President was he was questioned about his involvement. The world has watched as the Democrats in congress and main stream media accused this man of cheating his way into office. If you listen to them, the fact that I and 63 million like me, personally voted for the President what you hear is nothing. It’s as if that never happened.

What these people have done to this President and to the division of this country is simply unacceptable. If you care at all about our country you cannot allow this to stand. These people have attempted, right here in the United States of America, to overthrow a duly elected President. They’ve lied to us, pitted us against each other and after spending 25 million taxpayer dollars what do we have?

We’ve now learned (like it was ever a question…)that this long drawn out fraud of an investigation is over. The verdict? No Russian collusion and no obstruction of justice. Will the Democrats accept this verdict? No. Will the mainstream media accept this verdict? No. Will anyone apologize to the President for this horrible accusation? No.

The rest of the world must watch all this nonsense and laugh.

Do you feel justice has been equally served? Do you want to see another investigation focusing on the real Russian collusion? What people forget is that the so called collusion started during the Obama Administration. All of them involved with this attempt to remove our President, (Obama, and Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Comey and many others) absolutely must be brought before the American people if we are ever going to have the ability to restore any faith in the American justice system. The Left has already transitioned away from Russian collusion and now will focus on Trump the private businessman.  They will seek to find anything they can to keep this disgusting immoral hatred alive. This is all about power and protection of their beloved criminal party.

Meanwhile the real collusion invades us and the Left hopes we grow so tired of it that we get to a point where we just give up, just move on, leave the real corrupt individuals to fight on, to undermine our liberties and grow their power, to promote socialism, open borders, women’s healthcare (translation abortion all the way up to the 3rd trimester) and of course climate change (it was global warming but that didn’t work out so they changed to climate change. What will it be when this doesn’t work out? Global Cooling?).

I don’t know if the country can ever heal after eight years of Obama dividing us followed by these past two years of continued divide. The Left fears that they can no longer win elections the traditional way, so they now are promoting, among other things, dropping the voting age to 16 which would be fine, but I couldn’t even get my 16 year olds to clean their damn room. Double the size of the Supreme Court, and their old standby, formalize the ability for illegals to vote. I say formalize because this has been happening for years.

So my friends, yes, we are living in crazy times. I pray for our Nation and I pray that we can restore our equal justice system. Our way of life depends upon it. What we’ve just lived through is not ok.

The Dirty Dozen

At a certain point this week, I hit a wall with politics. When the dirty dozen (Republicans) voted against the President’s National Emergency order I was not a happy camper. Like so many others in the twit world, I hammered these Republicans all week long telling them to not even think about turning their backs on us and the President, but obviously to no avail. All of them want us to believe that they were 100% for additional border security but could not vote for the President’s executive order because it was unconstitutional. They claim that “Only Congress has the power of the purse. While former Presidents have declared many emergencies including Obama who also managed to give billions in cash to Iran. Y’all here about any congress people raising hell about that? No you didn’t. In fact you didn’t even hear about it until after it was done.

The Rundown:

Trump asks Congress for funding for border security – Because he cares about our safety

Congress votes no – Because they don’t care about our safety

Trump declares a National Emergency – Because he cares about our safety

Congress votes no – They double down, proving that they don’t care about our safety

Trump vetoes – Promises made, promises kept

 As for the dirty dozen, I, for one will continue to remind everyone I know what these fake Republicans did in the hope that the country chooses someone different in the next election.

The fact of the matter is that I actually agree that Congress has the power of the purse but… They are also the ones that gave the office of the Presidency the power to declare emergencies and to do what the office deems necessary in the emergency.  The real slap in the face is that nearly all of the other emergencies by prior Presidents were about other countries and the money flowed toward the emergency without a peep. We weren’t even aware of all of these emergencies until now. Ronald Reagan declared six emergencies. George H.W. Bush five. Bill Clinton, 17. George W. Bush – 13. Barack Obama – 12. All 57 of these emergencies involved other countries. Only this President puts America first. That I can tell you.

The Democrats and the MSM tell us that the President is simply making a political statement over the wall and that there is no emergency; this, while 75,000 illegals entered the country in February. Yet when Obama declared an emergency blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen, Congress was all in…

Ding Dong Pelosi tells us that we cannot afford to fund the President’s border security proposals yet we spend 20 times the amount he is asking for annually, housing, feeding, educating and providing medical needs for illegals.

No emergency? Tell that to those who have lost love ones to an illegal. Several Americans were killed just this past week alone by illegals. Pelosi considers this collateral damage. Translation, a few lives here and there is acceptable.

The amount of disdain toward this President is simply unbelievable. The Left and the media will stop at nothing to ruin this President even if it means the death of Americans, even if it means the destruction of our economy, the loss of jobs.  There is no limit to what they will do in their endeavor to regain power.

Meanwhile and don’t ask me how, the President presses on. His vision remains clear, America first. While the Liberals work 24/7 to convince us that the President is some evil, racist hateful person, his every act favors the American people.

The media is so relentless they’d have us all believe that the President isn’t even of the human race. Because of their hatred, we are denied the loving, caring human side of this President. He does so many great and caring things all the time, yet you’d never know it. A veteran, a few weeks ago said all he wanted for his 100th birthday was to talk to the President. He received a call wishing him a happy birthday. A man dying of cancer wrote a letter to the President telling him of his illness and thanking the President for all he was doing. The President called him and told him to keep fighting. A young man has his MAGA hat ripped off his head by a leftist thug and the President signs a new hat and sends it to the kid.

Thanks for the hug Mr. President

Last week he visited the site where the hurricane hit in Alabama. While listening to what had happened to one couple, both the husband and wife who had lost everything asked the President for a hug. All three embraced.

Despite what the Left and the Media would have you believe, this President is human and he actually does care about others and he proves this every day, we just aren’t given this side of the story because of their hate.

He’s always loved America

Pictured here is the President just days after September 11th replacing the American Flag on top of a New York building. Guess what? He wasn’t President then but he was a younger billionaire who loves our country and cherishes our flag. The Left would have you believe he just pretends to love our country for political gain.

And all Americans

The picture above is of the President giving a speech honoring law enforcement. He is holding the hand of a lady who had lost her son. She wouldn’t let go of his hand and he wouldn’t let go of hers.

Yes he does sweetheart, yes he does

This is a picture of the President with his granddaughter. Yes folks, the President is a grandpa and he loves his grandchildren, it’s not fake love.

You have to be a political junkie to even find things like these pictures and stories. You have to work very hard to find the good things that this President does.  For me, that is both very sad and shameful.

The American media and the Left do all Americans a great disservice by hiding these stories and painting the President in a horrific light.

We do have a crisis at the border. The American people elected the President because he promised to put us first, he promised to keep us safe. Yet the American congress and the American media are relentless in their drive to defame this man.

Just imagine what the look and feel of our country would be if we had honest reporting by the media. Just think about what progress we could have already accomplished if not for the continual political infighting within congress. Instead of spending nearly three years listening to made up Russian collusion, we could have a stronger border with less illegals sucking up tax dollars. We could be enjoying new roads, bridges and airports. California could be building new dams to (once and for all) stop the nonsense of drought. The Left wouldn’t have taken the House back and we wouldn’t be listening to the crazy nut job Cortez or the anti-Semites like Omar. Instead we’d have people who are actually working with the President who love America.

He stands with you & me not Washington DC

Promises made, promises kept. On Friday the President did what he said he would do. He vetoed congresses bill denouncing his National Emergency.     Congress isn’t done showing us that they don’t consider our safety important though. Expect lawsuits and their attempt to override the veto. As I keep saying, there is no end to their desire to bring this President to his knees. If people die along the way, oh well. This is so sad, so wrong and yet quite true.

Thank you Mr. President for all that you do. Keep fighting for us, we need you.

Keep It Together, Keep It Together…

Either I am watching too much news or this country has absolutely gone bonkers. I think I said in a recent post, the Democrats keep outdoing themselves and then another week goes by and they manage to reach new levels of stupidity. Their nonsense is so outrageous that I am beginning to question whether or not they are purposely trying to lose the next election or start a civil war.

Have they always been this way or have I just been asleep like the majority of Americans? One thing is for certain, this is not your Dad’s Democrat Party. These people are flat out determined to take this country away from us.  Do they have anything to offer that puts America first?

My new Tee-Shirt, you like it?

This week it started with the House of Representatives debating with themselves as to how, if at all, to discipline their freshmen representative and Somalia refugee transplant Omar for her many anti-Semitic remarks. This is a woman who was rescued from hell (Somalia) and brought to heaven (America) and has yet to have anything good to say about us and if you’re a Jew, forget about it. She hates you even more and yet the Democrats refuse to publicly denounce her actions. It is bad enough they gave her a seat on the Foreign Relations Committee in the first place but even now after her hateful comments they have no intention of removing her from the committee.

Ding-Dong Pelosi called all her robots together to discuss what action the party should take against Omar and according to reports she walked out of the meeting in disgust because her peeps (the other demons, I mean Democrats) wouldn’t listen to her.  “If you’re not going to listen I am leaving.” Like that was some threat.

Pelosi headed for the microphone; which is always a treat. Speaking to the Omar issue she said “I think she has a different experience in the use of words, doesn’t understand that some of them are fraught with meaning.” Can you tell me what the hell that even means?

At the end of the week-long debate, they settled on a resolution that denounced hate speech against African Americans, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, immigrants, and others including the LGBTQ community oh and Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders.  So, what began as hateful Anti-Semitic speech by a member of the U.S. Congress turned into a watered down version of “don’t say mean things to anyone.” Well anyone except white Christians. 

Democrat Representative – llhan Omar – She’s allowed to wear the scarf in Congress because no one wanted to offend her…

Meanwhile, our transplanted Muslim from Somali was not even mentioned in the resolution and in fact was given the opportunity to edit the resolution prior to its publication. The end result, you ask? She’s still smiling as she applies her hate throughout the country. I don’t know what’s worse, that she and others get away with this or that the Jewish community continues to vote for and support the Democratic Party. To be certain, neither of these are good for America or Israel.

While I thought this was outrageous enough and figured the Left couldn’t out do themselves any more in one week, they took their anti-American rhetoric up another notch when they announced their desire to allow all those within our borders the right to vote.

These political cartoons are supposed to be funny but as of late, they seem to be accurate in depicting the future. The party of open borders realize they are losing the American voter and now openly invite all non-American illegals to vote.  

Basically, the Dems have a strong base which clearly includes the shithole cities on both coasts, the illegal aliens and of course, the dependable deceased.

So, if I am to understand, our jobs as Americans are to pay our damn taxes and shut the hell up. It makes perfect sense for us to allow illegals from other countries to choose our elected officials, even President. It’s the fair thing to do… “All people within our borders must no longer have their vote suppressed” said the queen Ding-Dong Pelosi in her news conference celebrating their proposed HR1 which is a simple 700 page “For the People Act.” When they say all people they mean all people except you and me.

Have you heard her speak? Apparently, it is not a requirement to actually be able to speak to be the Speaker of the House… Go figure. Ding Dong Pelosi celebrating the illegals right to vote…

The bill passed in the House 228-197 basically along party lines. Thankfully Senate Majority Leader McConnell made it clear that the bill is dead upon arrival in the Senate. Translation, the Senate won’t even look at it.

To be clear, this bill was not only about votes it was also designed to send a message to the President over the border wall. This is how the Democrats swing… They want the President and us know that not only is a wall not necessary but these poor, poor people illegally entering our country should have the same rights as you and me. If they can pick up 10 million or more votes in the process, well that’s even better.

I am here to tell you, if you don’t think that the Democrat Party and the MSM is the enemy within that honest Abe warned us about all those many years ago then you my friend better throw some cold water on your face and wake the hell up!

I challenge you to pick a week, any week and just listen to the news and what these Democrats have to say. You will quickly understand they are not working for us. These people have a one track mind and that is to completely take control over every part of our lives. They will use the word “free” as their opening line to almost every idea or proposal they have. When they do that, I encourage you to remember what your Dad told you, “If it sounds too good to be true, it is.”  Nothing is free in life. Everything we do comes at a price. At this point these Democrats make China, Russia and the Middle East look like friends to America. Fight for America folks.  She’s worth it. In the meantime, “keep it together, keep it together.”

The Mouse

This week, former attorney to the President, Michael Cohen testified before congress. This wasn’t the first time the so called “fixer” of the President testified, but it was certainly the first time he has testified while being indicted for 1. His income to evade taxes. 2. Lying to banks to obtain loans and 3. Making illegal contributions to the campaign.  During his first testimony, he lied to congress which is why I find their desire to bring him back to testify again a complete political hack job. Nothing new for the Democrats who have never been interested in the truth. They have only one goal and that is to find something to pin on our President and they will go to any means necessary to find this, even if they have to make it up.

I’ve titled this week’s post “The Mouse” because, quite honestly, Cohen is such a low life that he doesn’t deserve the title of “rat”. Although “dirty rotten rat” does come easy.

Pictured above is the Mouse lying to the Felines of Congress

During this week’s testimony, the mouse again raised his right hand and swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The last time he did that he was indicted for lying and in a few weeks he will begin his prison term.  But, when questioned by one of the Republican congressmen, he said this time he was telling the truth.  It went something like this; Congressmen Jim Jordan: “Mr. Cohen the last time you came before us you lied. Isn’t that right? Cohen: “Yes, yes that’s right.” “So Mr. Cohen why is it we should believe anything you say today? Cohen: “I did lie last time but today I am telling the truth.”  You can’t make this stuff up. Seriously, even the best mystery writer wouldn’t create a criminal who would testify before congress by saying he lied but now he is telling the truth.

The Democrats ate up Cohen’s testimony though.  This is just what they wanted to hear. Cohen accused the President of being like a mob boss, being racist and breaking the law while in office. Again, our mystery writer couldn’t have done a better job. Jordan: “Mr. Cohen, did you meet with our committee chair prior to your testimony today?” Cohen: “Yes I did.” Jordon: “Please share with us what you talked about during this meeting.” Cohen: “Well, we talked about what questions I should expect from the committee today.” Jordan: “Oh I see, so it wasn’t just to let you know what time the hearing was or where it would be held, you talked about what questions would be asked and I assume how to answer them. That sounds like collusion to me.” Cohen: No response.  See the dumb look on his face in the picture provided above…

It didn’t matter to the Democrat controlled house that he is a known lair, that he is headed to prison in a few weeks for lying or that on January 11, 2017 he gave a speech in support of the President.  Nor was it of any importance to the Democrats that Cohen is trying to sell a book. During the 2017 speech, Cohen went on to talk about how the 2016 election became an election about race. He said he was amazed how the Left wing media could possibly call the President a racist. “Not only is he not a racist, Donald Trump believes all people are of one race, the human race.” Cohen said, and then went on speaking for nearly 10 minutes, praising the President. But don’t take my word for it, watch the video yourself. Just google YouTube – Michael Cohen Gives a Massive Speech In Support Of Donald Trump.

The Democrats, the Left in general and of course the media were in hog heaven over Cohen’s testimony. Following the hearing, several of the Democrat congress people ran to their friends in the media to announce how impactful Cohen was and more importantly, to say “I believe him.” Well of course, they do after all,  everything Cohen said fits their narrative to a tee. These are the same congress people who also believed Ford was raped by Justice Kavanagh, the same people who believed the Judge attended several rape parties, and the same people who believed this Jussie dude was beat up by two Trump supporters because he was in MAGA country. My point is, no matter the story being told, if it is anti-Trump it must be believed. These people are the scum of our country and they’re determined at all costs to impeach the President and ruin our great nation. 

Now that it appears that the Mueller investigation is going to be a nothing burger (big surprise…), the Dems are changing their focus to look into anything they possibly can to harm “our” President. They want his taxes, how did he run his businesses, what about his bank accounts, even his grades in college are on the radar. They will do whatever it takes to harm him enough to ensure a Democratic victory in 2020. Lie, steel and cheat, there are no rules, whatever it takes. For the record, some of us would like to have seen Obama’s grades too…

As far as his taxes, rest assured that a billionaire’s tax filings will be as clean as Mr. Clean’s scalp. Personally, I’d like to see Nancy Pelosi’s tax filing… To be perfectly honest, there is only one person’s taxes I am interest in, mine!  Why, you ask? Because those are the only taxes that affect “me.”

This 24/7 Trump bashing is only making his supporters more determined to reelect him. The President tweeted (love his tweets) about the Cohen hearings. Obviously he wasn’t happy. I replied to his tweet and said “Don’t worry about the Cohen hearing Mr. President. Your supporters only care about what you say and do. We don’t even listen to the Left or the media anymore. The only people they are talking to are to themselves. #Trump2020.” In case you’re wondering, No, he didn’t respond.

In conclusion, in my humble opinion, Cohen is a little mouse trying to steal some cheese in a last ditch effort, before going to prison and to raise money and somehow shed a positive light on his bleak track record. No one seems to find it interesting that Cohen’s attorney is Lanny Davis, who as you may know, was Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff and a huge leftist Hillary supporter.  Mr. Cohen is nothing more than a puppet of the Left, a known liar and therefore a match made in their heaven.

As for the President, he is not absolutely without fault. After all, he did hire this creep. Having said that, I’ve done my fair share of hiring over my lifetime and surprise, surprise, they weren’t all great… It sucks being human doesn’t it?

While I hate what the Democrats are doing to our President, to a degree, I get it. When Obama was President I slammed him at every turn. There was a big difference though…