As an American citizen I feel compelled to write and share with you just how disappointed I am in you. I am a “glass is half full” person and work very hard every day seeking out what is good in our country. Sadly, because of your actions or lack thereof, this endeavor has become harder than ever before.
I consider myself a conservative and the fact of the matter is, it is the congressional Republicans with whom I find myself the most disappointed.
The people of this country elected Donald J. Trump to be our President. Why, because we were fed-up with the Democratic control in Congress and eight years of the Obama rule that had pushed us beyond our limits. We sent Washington a clear message when we first gave the house to you. We did it again when we gave you the Senate and in 2016 we gifted you with the Presidency.
How can you possibly look yourselves in the eye and feel good about your service to “We the People?”
I’ve never had any positive expectations coming from the Democrats. They are proven haters of “we the people” and they make this clear each and every day but, you Republicans promised us many things. You’ve done none of them. You have not fought for us, you have not even tried.
And so, now you’ve lost the House and should you continue your political nonsense I suspect the Senate will be next. The average American sees through your inaction and we see no difference between you and the Left. You’ve disrespected us just as they do. You are exactly what the President said you were, “all talk and no action.”
So here we are with an opportunity to make what is wrong in this country right and what do you do? You fight the President who is trying to honor the will of the people.
You’ve allowed this witch hunt of an investigation to continue now for two years plus. You’ve agreed with the Democrats to let this lie continue. You’ve actually played a role in the Left’s attempt to unseat our duly elected President. “We need to let Mueller finish his investigation.” Meanwhile lives have been ruined, millions have been spent and we’ve lost this valuable, once in a lifetime – time to heal this country and fix what is broken. You’ve shown the people there is no equal justice as those who conspired to take our President down still walk free to this day. Personally, this is not something I will ever be able to forgive. It’s shameful, it’s awful.
Our President has been fighting for us and doing all that one person can do to protect us. But you, all of you in Congress undermine his every move. The 63 million Americans who voted for the President see your actions with clear eyes. By your fighting him on building a wall you are telling us that you don’t care about our safety, you don’t care about the drugs entering our country and destroying our people, especially the poorest among us. You are okay with human trafficking and the loss of American lives appears to be at an acceptable level for you. To be sure, it’s not acceptable to the dad who loses his son, or the mother who loses her daughter, or the brother who loses his sister, get the point? I doubt that you do and your actions prove you don’t care. Public servant my ass.
It matters not to you that hundreds of thousands of illegals enter our country. You don’t care if you tax us to death in order to pay for education, healthcare, and housing for these people. We have people that volunteered to go to war because “you” asked them to and yet you can’t even seen to it to give them the same care as you do these invaders.
Most of us are nearing the end of our patience. You, all of you in Congress just keep pushing and pushing. It’s as though you want us to snap, to break in two. We will fight for our country surely you know this. We’ve done it before and we are fully prepared to do it again. This is not a threat, it’s a simple call for you to stop this nonsense. A call for you to take off your political hats or scarfs in some cases now days and start fighting for us, the American people, the legal American citizens, the legal tax paying American citizens. The very people to whom you are supposed to be working for.

We’ve had enough of open borders, killing babies, gun control and this disgraceful unconstitutional attempt to overturn our President. We’ve made you filthy rich, we’ve given you our trust and power to protect us and honor our will. You are there to make our lives better not miserable. We’re sick to death of being called racist too. The vast majority of us don’t give a damn about the color of someone’s skin and yet you make it your central agenda. We are well aware you don’t care about any of us no matter the color of our skin or whether we are straight, gay or all those in-between. For you, it’s power. Well, you’ve got the power, we gave it to you and sadly you’re showing us that it’s not enough. You must have more. Socialism? Really? You want us to become a socialist country? You’re insane if you promote this. As for the Republicans that “talk” down this idea, we are sick of the “talk”, we’re done with and no longer trust your “words,” they’ve become meaningless to us.
In conclusion, know this, today there is only one person in Washington that we trust. You can continue to spew all this nonsense and it will not derail our support for this man. He is the only one that is doing everything in his power to honor his words and his promises. While each of you work day and night with the help of your paid media to undermine our President, he speaks the truth to us in simple terms that even we deplorable, bible carrying old hillbillies can understand.
Just know that we, unlike you, stand with our President and we will fight for him and our country to the bitter end. Are you going to stand with us or continue your political nonsense? 2020 will soon be here, rest assured, we are watching, we are listening, and we are wide awake. Start loving America.