Wow! These Democrats in Washington make it pretty easy to come up with things to write about. The only problem is deciding which of the many moronic topics to discuss. Too many choices…
I think First Place has to go to Alexandria Cortez’s “Green New Deal.” Although watching the women dressed in white at the State of the Union is really giving that one a run for the money… Oh what the hell, let’s talk about them both.
The Green New Deal is quite the deal, don’t you think? Did you hear about this? Ms. Cortez is proposing, within the next 10 years, (she chose 10 years because earlier in the week, she predicted the end of the world in 12 years…) we abolish all means of transportation using fossil fuels. This includes air flight. In her proposal, she suggests replacing these polluting machines with electric high speed rail. This even caused the lame left wing Hawaii Senator Maize Hirono to pause. Um, wonder why?

It gets better. Her deal includes the tearing down of all buildings in the country and rebuilding them 100% green. That seems doable, affordable and very reasonable, don’t you think? All farting cows must be removed from the planet as they play a huge roll in harmful gases which as she said, is a greater danger than a third world war. Geez, if the Left think that the country goes nuts when they mention gun control, wait until they attempt to take away our T-bones.
Finally, her proposal provides for all Americans to receive a living salary. She even points out that this deal would benefit those who wish to work as well as those choosing not to work. I think this is ok, don’t you? I am sure most people will “choose” to work…
To put a cherry on top of this banana split, all of the current Democrats who have announced they’re running for President, have signed onto this freshman congresswoman’s proposal. Smart move on their part, don’t you think? I know I’ll be voting for one of them because I like trains and the thought of riding one across the Pacific Ocean all the way to Maui sounds great; although I am still worried about my T-bone…
When questioned about the deal, Ding Dong Pelosi said, “I think it’s great. She has such grand, bold ideas, like this dream deal or whatever she calls it.” Pelosi, doesn’t even know the name of the deal. She’s as sharp as a pat of butter.

You have to give the Democrats credit. No matter how stupid, unrealistic, harmful or unaffordable one of their party ideas is they stick together, just like family…
When Cortez was asked how she plans to pay for all of these grand green deals, she didn’t miss a beat. She said “we will just print the money.”
Everyone on the Right loves this girl because she gives them so much ammunition, but she’s not as dumb as we think. After all, she managed to get elected to Congress, didn’t she? Ah, those New York City voters. They are a smart bunch and always with our best interest in mind. This is today’s Democratic Party. Presidential candidate Cory Booker equated Cortez’s Green New Deal to landing on the moon. Bold, brave and unafraid. Mr. “we will land a man on the moon by the end of this decade” JFK, if alive today, would be considered a right wing nut and couldn’t be elected Dog Catcher. He was a Catholic who enjoyed his women and said “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Just the exact opposite of today’s Democratic Party.
I keep saying that one of the greatest things our President has done is to open our eyes and exposing the Washington elites and lying mainstream media for who they are, anti-America. While “many” Americans never really trusted Washington and questioned some of the things we heard in the news, the President has exposed these people like never before. The “many” Americans are now millions upon millions of Americans.
The State of the Union this week was as good as it gets when it comes to exposing the Democrats. It is almost mind boggling to even think how a human being wouldn’t stand and clap for everything the President had to say. They didn’t. The Democrat women, who all dressed in white (which as I understand was designed to celebrate and point out the “right to vote” suffragette movement of 1915) only stood once and that was to celebrate themselves.
The President called for the protection of the unborn, no Democrat stood in favor. When he introduced a brave young girl, who fought childhood cancer, no one stood. When he introduced a brave ICE agent who needed help to stand as he is fighting to recover after being shot by illegals, no one stood. They did stand and sing happy birthday to a World War II veteran. I’ll give them credit for that. They didn’t stand for the holocaust survivor who stood next to one of the World War II Vets who actually saved the man’s life? When the President said he wanted to work together to do the good work of the people, they remained in their seats. When he announced America will never be a socialist country, the smirks and sneers on the Left were obvious. When he introduced the first black prisoner who had been released under the new “First Sept” prisoner release program, the Left didn’t even clap much less stand in ovation for a man who had spent over a decade in prison for a low level drug crime. Remember, these are the people who want you to believe that they care about everyone. Evidently “everyone” in their eyes doesn’t include the 9 month old baby, the young man who made a mistake and was sent to prison, sought reform and now teaches bible study…

It was actually pretty funny to watch all the congresswomen in white take their lead from Ding Dong Pelosi. If you watched closely, these free and independent women never stood, never clapped, never cheered without first receiving permission from their leader. When they began to boo Pelosi shut them down. When they went to stand Pelosi gave them the signal to remain in their seats. But at least they are now free to express themselves as they like. You know, as long as their leader says it’s okay…
It wasn’t until the President acknowledged that there are more women in congress than ever before that all of the women on the left stood and cheered and clapped and high fived each other. Leader Pelosi stood with them smiling from ear to ear. I translated this into their saying “aren’t we great?” Stupid me, I thought our elected officials were there to make “our” lives better.
Listen, I think it’s great that we have more women in leadership positions. I will not however, celebrate this just to celebrate. Either you are a leader with the best intentions for our country and fellow citizens or not. I really don’t care if you’re a woman, a man or anyone of the 15 other new genders. The Left has gone so far off the edge that I cannot get myself to understand them or even want to be in the same room with them and that’s pretty sad. The meme below captures how I feel pretty well.