Under the great wisdom of the American electorate the Democrats were handed the majority in the House of Representatives. Here we are just 30 days into their leadership and boy, they are really on a roll aren’t they?
Shall we go over their achievements? It won’t take long the President has laid most of it out for us.

CAUTION, WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ IS EXTREMELY UPSETTING: I don’t know where you stand on abortion. It is none of my business but this latest move by the New York Democrat Governor Como is frightening, to say the least. The idea that he has made it legal to kill a baby now at birth makes me sick to my stomach and it should do the same to you. The Democrats however, have spent the weeks following this announcement cheering. During an interview, the now famous Governor of Virginia, who is a doctor, explained that a baby could be born, set aside on the table (he added the word “comfortably”) while the mother and the doctor discussed whether or not she wanted to keep the baby and if she didn’t, the baby would be put to sleep. In a Senate hearing, a so called abortion expert and proponent of the new law, when asked if the new law would allow for the killing of a baby upon the mother’s water breaking, she skated around the question until the Senator, for once, kept pushing “I asked you a simple question, does your law allow the killing of the baby at the time of the mother’s water breaking, that’s a yes or no answer.” “Yes” She replied.
Is this the world we want to be a part of? I seriously ask, “How is this not murder?” Ronald Reagan said it best when he said, “I notice all those in favor of abortion are already born.” This law is a sick stain on humanity and cannot stand if we are going to maintain a civil society. If this doesn’t make you walk away from the Democrats then you are a lost soul.
During the Dems first 30 days they’ve had four of their, sorry to use this term again, “so called” party leaders announce their candidacies for President. Every single one of them has a common theme, and their entire party supports this theme, SOCIALISM. Free everything folks! Their prescription to achieve this goal is simple. It doesn’t add up, not even close but as you should know, the Democrats have never let the facts get in the way… Their answer to how we pay for “free” is to raise taxes! No big surprise, right? The new term they now use is ultra-rich! They of course get to decide who falls into this category.
Whoever it is and based on the lame democratic candidate spewing their ilk these lucky, successful folks would pay upward of 70 – 90% of their income to support their “everything is free” platform, in spite of the fact that study after study has shown you can take 100% of all the ultra-rich’s income and you’d still fall short by trillions of dollars to support “free” (healthcare, education, etc.)
What they are banking on and sadly they are probably right, is for the millions of brain dead Americans to believe in their lies and after all, it worked with Obamacare. The end game for the Dems is to grow Government. The more we are under Government control the more we must bow before them. “Please give me healthcare, please give me food.” In their plan, there will be no ultra-rich people. We would all be on the same level playing field. Sounds good, huh? What it really means is that we’d all be poor and all forced to look to the Government for what they think we should earn and have and how we should live.
It’s pretty damn scary if you ask me. Are there enough sensible Americans left in this country to stop stupid? God, I hope so.
This same group of folks and apparently all of the Democrats favor open borders. You and I have spent a lot of time discussing this so I won’t spend a lot of time talking about it here again but… just in case you had a brain fart let me remind you what the President has said since the day he rode down the escalator to announce he was running for President, “if we have no borders, we have no country.” This was true then and it’s true now. Who would have ever thought that our own Government would refuse to protect us? It’s really the only job they have. Have you given any thought to the fact that they forced our President to shut Government down because they refused to allow him the funds to help protect us? Certainly you do understand that the shutdown has nothing to do with the border or protection. For them it’s nothing more than regaining complete power over our Government which means power to push their hateful, expensive, agenda on you and me. Translation – Obamacare on steroids.
Within their first 30 days ding-dong Pelosi signed a bill which thankfully will go nowhere but, would become law if they had the power they so desire to remove the words “In God we Trust” from the oath of taking office. Since the founding of this great nation, a Nation under God, this oath has been taken but the Democrats are just fine with removing God out of our lives. You can believe or not believe. That’s your choice and I honestly don’t care but, for the life of me and all things that are good, how it hurts anyone to maintain hope will always be something I will never understand. It seems as though the Left’s goal is to tear apart everything and anything that made America the greatest and most giving nation on earth. Love, God and honor have no place within the Democratic platform.
Did any of you ever think that we would get to a point where you would be afraid of your own life if you wore a hat that supported your President? Welcome to today’s America.
So there you have it my friends. These are the things that are most important to the leftist Democrats. Kill the babies, raise taxes, drugs, and crime, human trafficking and let’s get God the hell out of our lives…
I honestly wish I was just being a right-wing nut but sadly I am not. These agenda items are real. The Left no longer even tries to hide these from us. They don’t have to. They have the media doing it for them. Most Americans don’t even know about these things. All that the media shares with us is that the Dems want us to have free stuff. Crazy and scary times… Unless you want to live in a Godless country where moral values are against the law I suggest you wake up, speak up and start fighting back because our lives and our kid’s lives are under attack.