Well folk, our President has a reputation of breaking records. He has broken all-time records in the stock market, lowest ever black unemployment, Hispanic unemployment, biggest ever tax cut, biggest ever rallies, cut the most regulations of any President ever and now he holds the title of the longest Government shutdown ever.
The Left will have you believe that this is a horrible record to break. I am pretty sure it’s not a record he wanted to break either but, (there’s always a but), if you consider why it’s happened you can either come to the realization that he is not to blame for it or you can champion him for taking a stance on an issue that has been draining our nation for many decades or finally, you can realize both of these are indeed the case.
I hate seeing the 800,000 workers going without pay. I’d be a heartless SOB if it didn’t bother me but these fellow Americans are being used as pawns in this political fight. It especially bothers me that the Coast Guard, Border Patrol and Secret Service Agents are among this group. Many say that some who are not being paid are nonessential workers so no big deal. To be honest, I don’t even know what that means. I would say, without question, we have far too many people employed by the Government but labeling these folks nonessential is simply rude. It is not their fault that our Government opened these positions and hired these folks. It’s ours. We’ve been asleep so long we can hardly blame anyone else. I digress.
The President has called immigration a national crisis. The mainstream media have pushed the Left’s talking points which is really saying that there is no crisis. Oh ding dong Pelosi says a wall is immoral. Crying Chuck says walls don’t work and are old school. Remember? That’s when the President, in response said “so are wheels” but we still need them and use them… “We need innovative high tech solutions” says the Left. To that I say, “Can you be more specific?” Because more drones or cameras don’t stop anyone from crossing the border. All they do is provide us with better pictures of people crossing the border… Pelosi said “We need additional border patrol agents.” This was followed by her saying “the wall is too expensive.” Huh? How can you take these Democrats serious? Honestly, their “stupid” is truly on full display. Our President has a way of bringing out the best in people doesn’t he?

Just in the rare case you’re not following me. What do you think is more expensive? A. Employing thousands more border guards or B. Building a wall? C. Think about it, I’ll wait…
At an estimated cost of $150B a year to house, feed, educate and proivde free medical care for illegals, how many years will it take until our $5B investment in a wall pays for itself? If you are one of these folks on the Left who champion the fact that our tax dollars are used to help illegals, I would ask you to consider using these same dollars to help our vets and our homeless.
If you are unable to answer these questions get the hell off my blog! Just kidding. Everyone is welcome here. While I don’t pretend to have the ability to fix stupid I never the less remain committed to pointing out your shortfalls.
To Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Schumer and the sheep who follow their lead, when you say there is no crisis and that Trump is just using this to scare us and achieve his political pet project; please tell that to the thousands of families who have lost loved ones at the hands of an illegal. Tell that to the vet sleeping on a park bench or the mom and her two kids sitting on the sidewalk on skid row in any one of your Democrat-run cities in America. You don’t even talk about these people and you won’t even utter the name of a single American who has been taken away from their mom, or dad, or brother or sister. Ms. Polosi wouldn’t even come out of her office to listen to the angel moms this week. What does that tell you?
None of us like the Government shut down. We should have compassion for those directly involved. As Spock from Star Trek famously said “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” This battle is bigger than the shutdown. Had the six or more former Presidents done their jobs, this President wouldn’t have to. I for one could not be more proud nor more thankful that we finally have a President willing to put everything on the line for the American citizen. #AmericaFirst!
While Pelosi and the Left play their political games the President is more than happy to play along. The latest example of this was ding dong writing to the President urging him to cancel the State of the Union this year. She claimed that due to the shutdown the security of congress and the President could not be ensured. Of course she failed to call the secret service and ask them about this… They responded though, “We’ve been planning for the State of the Union for months and are more than prepared to provide security for this important event.” She suggested the President simply put his speech in writing and send it to congress. Another 1st! Then she complained for the next 48 hours because she never received a response from the President. Not even one of his famous tweets! The man is so beautiful! Let’s be honest here, the last thing Pelosi and the Left want is for the President to have the nations ear.
Then, when the time was just right, the hammer fell. The Democrats had their bags packed and were on their charter bus ready to depart to Joint Base Andrews to meet up with their illustrious leader ding dong Nancy for a 7 day trip to Brussels and the Middle East. The President finally responded by telling her he was not authorizing the use of a military plane to fly them. The result? Trip was canceled. Off the bus Dems! Unpack your bags Nancy!

And the Left went wild! “This is nothing more than polictical payback” They said! Eh, ya think? And tell me, what was that stunt Ms. Ding Dong pulled? We have a President that’s all in on “an eye for an eye.”
The truth be told, all of the Washington swamp want the President, like those before him, to just roll over. Not this President! Not now, not ever. His supporters are behind him 100 percent.
Only this President could set the stage in a way that would cause the Left to put illegal aliens, non-tax paying citizens ahead of the American citizen. You know, those people they are supposed to be working for, the ones who pay their salaries. Yeah, you and me.
If you think taking the Government back is hard, try being the President…

To the 800,000 Federal workers, it’s painful I know but, understand that we the people need you to remain strong and steadfast. Remember both Pelosi and Schumer were in favor of a wall, they are both on record saying “we must control our borders”. Pelosi in 2008 even said “We don’t want anymore illegals.” They are playing politics. They cannot allow the President to win. He is fighting for each of you and all of us. He wants more safety, less drugs and no more human smuggling. He wants immigrants, he wants their best and brightest, he wants them to help us build a better America. But he wants us to be in control of who comes not them. United We Stand! God Bless America. The Wall is coming. #Winning