In the twitter world memes are used more than words. They don’t count against your limited number of word restriction and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Some of them are downright hilarious, some are pretty crude and rude and many get to the truth. So, pretty much like the way the American population acts and speaks.
Just for kicks I’ve listed a few I came across tonight. In no particular order.

The twitter follower who sent this didn’t even have to type out a word. The picture says it all don’t you agree?
To Me, as with so many other memes this is both funny while also being true. Our illustrious Speaker of the House, ding dong Nancy Pelosi actually said this, I know I heard it with my own ears…

Ms. Cortez may have caused a meme revolution among conservatives. I’ve seen more of these from her than from all of the other politicians combined and she was just sworn into office!
I swear she is the gift that keeps on giving if there ever was one. Every single time she opens her mouth, she makes a fool of herself and all of those completely clueless New Yorkers who voted her into office. Seriously, she has to be the most under qualified person ever to be elected into Congress.

Ding dong is on a roll right now with her nonsensical obstruction to a border security wall. She takes the same approach over the wall as she does with guns.
Her mansion in San Francisco is surrounded by a 12 foot wall. I guess she doesn’t want any uninvited guests… Regarding guns, she’s against them for you and me and why not, she has 24/7 armed security watching out for her.
You and me on the other hand, we’re on our own. But hey, she cares about you… This is another meme that is both funny while also being true. Actually, it’s not funny at all.

The people that send out memes, like the one here actually do a great service because they help educate those that are clueless. There is nothing but truth in this meme. This current battle over border funding is nothing more than politics, and complete Trump Derangement Syndrome. Ding dong’s opposition to funding the President’s request for 5.7 billion has absolutely nothing to do with the dollar amount. Pelosi puts forth bills that make this request look like what it is, pennies. She’s all for funding billions of dollars for killing babies via Planned Parenthood and not just in the US but worldwide. Nope, she hates Trump and wants more federal funds for her party. I like the saying at the bottom, “Politicians Lie! Numbers don’t…”

This is not really a meme but rather an actual picture showing our troops driving past a border fence in the Middle East. You and I paid to have it erected so to protect the people over there. You didn’t hear any argument about this did you? The Democrats don’t have a problem protecting the borders of other countries nor do they mind paying our troops to protect the lives of non-citizens of America. Funds for these types of things flow freely. Hell, we blow up their bridges, homes, roads and businesses and then we build them all new stuff. Do you see anything wrong here? If you don’t I can’t help you.

This might have been my favorite of the day. When you think about the outright stupid comments, laws and ideas coming out of the mouths of our government and sadly our fellow citizens, you have to wonder. How did this happen and why. If America is so bad, why won’t they just leave?
Simple, America is the best country on the planet. As dumb as all these people are, you have to give them some credit because they’re not so stupid that they would go live in one of the other countries that they try so hard to turn us into. Our President calls them Shitholes. I love him.

This meme is another “truth teller.” Many of us focus on the Left and the MSM having TDS; thus doing anything they can to make him look bad and prevent him from achieving anything. It doesn’t matter what it is, if the President makes the request, it must not prevail, he cannot win at all cost is their motto and they prove it every day. So much so that they actually come out against the very things they were once all for; the border wall being just one example. Clinton wanted a wall (both of them), Bush wanted a wall (built 700 feet) and even Mr. Divider-n-Chief himself, Obama wanted a wall. But… you know the story.
This meme however is the real story. The Left is after us more than Trump because we represent votes and tax dollars. We want less government, they want more. We want safety at all costs, they want more votes. We want to save the unborn, they want to kill them. We want freedom of speech, they want freedom of their speech. We want the right to bear arms, they believe this right only belongs to them… and on it goes. It’s sick & wrong.

Here’s another truth telling meme. Ding dong Pelosi announced last week that walls are immoral and the President is racist for requesting funds to build one. There is no crisis at the border according to the Left. They say this while never speaking the names of any of the Americans killed at the hands of an illegal and sadly there are far too many for me to name, thousands.
Yet as you can see all those BT (before Trump) spoke of the crisis at the border, the need for a wall, or barrier, or fence… somehow what you call it is important… Politicians – the only thing that stinks more than used toilet paper.
The President gave his first address to the nation from the oval office on Tuesday of this week. I thought he did a very nice job, laid out the issues, and calmly stressed the need and importance of border security. By far, my favorite quote of the speech was “People don’t build walls because they hate the people on the other side. They build them because they love the people on the inside.” End quote.
So my friends, that’s about it for this week’s post. I hope you enjoyed these memes and just maybe you learned a few things along the way. At the very least, these act as a good reminder as to what we are up against. We truly are living during a time of pure insanity. Stay awake my friends because we’ve been asleep for far too long.