On Thursday of this week I endured the swearing in of Nancy Pelosi as the new leader of the House of Representatives. So many thoughts went through my pea brain while watching. I was nearly as disappointed as I was when Obama was elected for the second time. Just like then, I kept asking myself, “Why would Americans do this?”

In her acceptance speech she called for transparency. This is the same women who only a few weeks ago, during a public meeting with the President, asked him to have their discussion in private. Now we are to believe she wants transparency. I wouldn’t even bother bringing this up except she called for just the opposite a few weeks ago. It’s not as though we have to dig into her past. She raised her hand and swore to follow and honor the constitution but refuses to perform the most basic function of the Government, which is to protect us. Just this week, she said that walls are immoral. Even though she voted for a wall several times in the past. If walls are immoral then certainly she should propose the deconstruction of the current walls, right? Not to mention the 15 wall around her home. In her acceptance speech, she said she was looking forward to working on a bipartisan basis, yet has made it crystal clear that there will be no funding for a border wall.
Look, I don’t need this entire post to explain to you why I am frustrated that we now have a Speaker Pelosi. I know you get it. Why Americans gave the house majority to the Democrats will never be something I will accept. It’s just a simple fact. It will however always frustrate and confuse me.
This week, the President made the point that the wall was important to him because it is important to the American people. He said he could have a much easier Presidency if he just dropped the issue. Once again, he is so right. Any other President, any other President would have done just that. In fact, they did. Reagan fought this fight and gave the Democrats everything they wanted on the promise that they would support major immigration reform. He did his part and gave amnesty to millions of illegals. They never did their part though (surprise). George W made this his signature deal during his first year before 9/11. He gave it a half-assed try and then moved on. President Obama controlled congress with a super majority and didn’t do a damn thing about immigration. Now, he and his party sure have a lot to say about it now. Don’t they? This President is getting slammed by every left loon on the planet and thus far hasn’t blinked. God Bless this man.
So here we go. With a newly divided congress we can expect stalemate like never before. The Democrats in the House will go into investigation mode demanding a hearing on everything including what socks the President wears and why. They will put forth one bill after another knowing damn well that the Senate will never take them up; much less the President ever signing them. Global warming will go back to the top of the pile of major concerns along with every other stupid made-up issue we just got done smartly walking away from. Pelosi proclaimed how important the middle class in this country is and how she will make them her priority. It’s exhausting. Under their leadership we had high unemployment, and half the country on food stamps. But yeah, the middle class will now suddenly be her priority. Remember, this is the same woman and party that doesn’t want to fund border security…
Wait a minute. They say that they are for border security, just not a wall. What does that even mean? They keep talking about Drones. What the hell are more drones going to do to protect us? Show us more pictures of our country being invaded? More border patrol agents? They just got done having a hissy fit over the President backing the patrol up with our military… So what is their plan? Obstruct the President, period.

This is an oldie but remains as true today as ever. Like most of these cartoons, they paint a real picture for us to laugh but followed by tears running down our faces.
In the first press conference of the year on Thursday Sarah Sanders came to the podium and announced that they were doing something different this year. She then proceeded to introduce the President, who came out with several people standing on the stage behind him. Each were either from ICE or Border Patrol. After congratulating Nancy on becoming speaker (which could not have been sincere), he spoke about the importance of the wall and explained that he has received more support for the wall than on any other issue since becoming President. He then introduced a few of the people behind him. Each of these men spoke of the importance of the wall in order to protect Americans and each thanked the President for taking the hard line stance he is taking. One asked “Do you want people knocking on your door or climbing through your window?” He said the wall is no more complicated than that. Another announced that over 17,000 illegal alien murders, drug traffickers or human traffickers were arrested in 2018. Without a wall they will just return.

As you read this post another caravan is organizing in Central America and this time, reportedly 15,000 alien strong. Yet, the Democrats are playing politics, putting our safety last and their power of office first.
This is a picture that the President sent out several weeks ago. It is 20 feet tall and goes into the ground 15 feet. The spaces in between each slate are at the request of the border patrol agents so they can see through to the other side.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have this in place right now before the new caravan arrives?
The truth of the matter is that there would more than likely not be another caravan knowing this is what they would be greeted by when they arrive.
The President is asking for 5 billion to construct this wall. Today we spend 5 billion a week in Syria alone. A week! Congress is willing to spend this fighting to protect Syrians but not to protect you and me. Does that bother you? It bothers me. Make your voices heard! Call Pelosi’s office @ 202-255-4965 and politely leave a message to fund the wall. Call Schumer’s office @ 202-224-7433. Do it!

Who do you believe? Nancy and the Democrats or the guys with boots on the ground fighting to keep you safe?