Are we having fun yet? It’s been quite a week, with never a dull moment. I decided to use the title “You Still a Democrat” this week because after watching the news fly by each day, I honestly don’t know how anyone could possibly support this anti-American party. Everything they’ve stood for this week, and for the past two years has been against American citizens. And their buddies in the fake news; they’ve been on quite a roll themselves. Most of us knew that the mainstream media make it their business to support the Dem party and their Far-Left-Wing liberal views, but this week they managed to outdo themselves. Let’s break it down, shall we?
First, every MSM news outlet hit the airwaves and worldwide web with the false made-up story from Buzzfeed. For 24 hours, no matter what news channel you flipped to, you heard how the end is finally near for the President. According to the fake news story, the President’s former indicted lawyer, Michael Cohen told Buzzfeed that the President told his son, Don Jr. to lie to Congress about their business dealings in Russia. The Left couldn’t control themselves. “The President won’t finish his term” and “This is the final nail in the President’s coffin”. For 24 hours, all of the MSM jumped in with both feet and the Democrat Congress members; oh my, they had to change their underwear from pissing on themselves in glee.
It didn’t matter that Buzzfeed didn’t have any proof of this. It didn’t matter that Cohen is a known lair. I mean really, the man is going to prison in March for what? For lying to the special counsel. That didn’t stop the media though. Cohen, who was once considered the devil by the media, suddenly became their hero and suddenly, in their eyes, he was being honest because it fit their Left-Wing/Hate Trump narrative. Well, their other hero Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Russian collusion, the person who is putting Cohen behind bars, made a rare move by announcing the Buzzfeed/Cohen story is false. What does the media do? They turn on their savior, Mueller. Kind of reminds you of their love/hate relationship with former FBI director Comey, doesn’t it? They hated him before they loved him…
If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, no sooner did the media and Democrats move off this fake story to react to a twitter post of the Native American Indian incident with a white, catholic student wearing a red MAGA hat. The post only showed a small portion of the video of the interaction between the kid and the old Indian pounding his drum in the kids face. The young man stood his ground smiling which the media called smirking. The headline was “White man wearing a MAGA hat threatens older Native American Vietnam veteran.” In the blink of an eye, the media and the Left-Wing loonies were back in business! A white guy wearing his offensive red hat was showing his racism. This is the face of the President’s supporters! Translation, the kid is a white supremacist and the President, as we all know, is racist and supports all white supremacists… More liberal underwear changing…
But, wait a minute, someone then posts the entire video and guess what? Another big fat liberal lie was exposed. The Catholic kid never engaged the Indian, just the opposite. The Indian walked up to him and starting chanting and pounding his drum in the kid’s face. This, while a group of black thugs were screaming out the most horrible, racist, threatening things you can think of at the kids. The Hollywood freaks hit the twitter world with things that were even worse. “Burn the school down”, “Smash this punk racist kid’s face in.” And much, much worse.
Once the full video was exposed did the media back off? Nope. The talking point turned to the “fact” that the kid was to blame because he chose to wear that evil red hat. One black racist news commentator said “For me, that red hat stirs memories of people wearing white hoods.” I swear to God, she actually said that. Translation: It is no longer acceptable for any American to 1. Wear whatever they want and 2. To support their President. Just another Liberal fake news outrage. But, dressing up like a virgina, no problem…

Following the self-created incident, the Indian hit the airwaves (the media welcomed him with open arms, this was right down their fake news narrative) claiming he was a VietNam vet. He went on about how he was spit on and called horrible things upon returning from the conflict. The Media showed deep concern for this poor man. How dare this white boy make this elderly American-Indian vet feel so threatened. Hasn’t this poor man been through enough in his life? Well I’ll be damned, it turns out that he was in the Marines and his claim as a vet was true, except that he never made it to VietNam. He was charged with AWOL several times and is a full-time liberal activist. Again, I wasn’t surprised at all. People, the Left, are so quick to jump on anything that fits their “get Trump” narrative.
The best part of this whole story are the memes. As you know, while all of this was going on, the NFL playoffs were being played. As you also may know, the Kansas City Chiefs lost to the New England Patriots which created this meme. You can’t make this crap up folks.

Finally, “are you still a Democrat?” Another week of the Government shut-down and your (Democrats) party leader, ding dong Pelosi continued with her anti-American stance. The President asked her, “If I reopen the Government are you going to give me the funding for the wall?” Her response, “no.”
This week your party said no to border security, no to paying the government workers and no to the President giving the traditional State of the Union speech in the house, the people’s house, I would add. Then what did she do? She and her party went home a day early to enjoy a nice three day weekend.
The canceling of the State of the Union was nothing more than her getting even with the President for canceling her trip to the Middle East. You know, the trip she wanted to take with 19, count them, 19 of her family members.
The Right-Wing of the House of Representatives put forward a bill this week, that if passed, would have paid the 800,000 Government workers. This was put forward in order to give the workers a paycheck to help them as the shutdown continued. Every Democrat in the democratic controlled house voted no…

At the end of the day, ding-dong is keeping the American people from hearing our President provide the State of the Union. The 63 million legal American citizens who voted this President into office are being denied the ability to hear him speak. Ding-dong did this because the last thing she wants is for the President to have a national stage to tell the people what is really going on. She fears the President, during his speech might turn to her, pointing his finger at her and say in front of us all “Madam Speaker will you allow me to protect our citizens and open the Government?” This would be her worst nightmare.
So to my Democratic friends of which I have none, tell me, do you still support your party?
Democrat Platform:
Border Security: NO
Paying the Government workers: NO
State of the Union: NO
Open Borders: YES
Three year DACA Extension NO
National Emergency Funding NO
Translation: NO
None of this is tough. It’s all politics, plain and simple. Nothing that the President has proposed, none of it, is anything different than the Dems approved when Obama was President. All of this is nothing more than the Left hating Trump. It matters not that 63 million of us made him President.
As you know, on Friday the President announced the Government will reopen. Many of his supporters are angry and accuse him of caving. I understand this. I too feel disappointed but, as I suspect many of his supports silently share, I feel some relief for the Federal workers.
What everyone must understand is that the President is and always has been alone in Washington. He is one man doing all that he can to correct the wrong in our Government but he is only one man standing neck deep in the filthy swamp of Washington D.C. and trust me, it’s filthy in politics.
The President’s own party has never fully embraced his polices. Those of us who voted for him didn’t do so because he was running as a Republican. We did so because he wasn’t a politician and he promised to clean Washington up, drain the swamp, lock her up, build the wall and yes, Make America Great Again.
On Thursday, seven Senators of the Republican Party voted no on the senate bill that would have given the President the funding he has requested. Half of those voted in favor of the Pelosi/Schumer no funding bill. This isn’t a first, but it is another perfect example of the challenge our President faces. The filthy swamp has members of both parties.
If anyone believes that we wouldn’t already have a big, beautiful wall and many other things by now “if” it were left only to the President, then you are wrong. This challenge our President has taken on is bigger than any of us can even imagine. He has opened our eyes to the evils of Washington and the media. He has exposed them for who they really are.
Personally, I pray for the President to be safe and to prevail. It’s so important for we Americans and for our country as a free Nation. Please join me. God Bless the President and the U.S.A. We live to fight another day.