Another fun filled week brought to you by our friends in Washington DC. This week was full of drama, wasn’t it?
First, General Flynn went to his sentencing hearing. I was certain that the Judge would give him zero jail time and perhaps even dismiss the whole case. The Judge had previously made a number of statements that where not favorable to the prosecution (Mueller). Boy was I ever wrong… write that down because it’s a first (ha, ha). As it turned out, the Judge delayed sentencing until March of next year. Why? Because he learned along with the rest of us that Flynn was still cooperating with Mueller’s investigation. Like that, the Judge went from hero to zero in my eyes. Does this mean we are going to still be dealing with Mueller’s fake Russian collusion case until March? Yippee…
The second thing to get us into the spirit of Christmas is the ongoing debate over funding of the Government. It all started with the President inviting the two Democratic leaders to the white house to talk about funding the President’s request for 5 billion for the wall. The fireworks began almost from the onset of the meeting. Incoming leader, ding dong Nancy Pelosi informed the President that he doesn’t have the votes in the House and she told him not to under estimate her power. As you know, three days later the House approved the President’s request. When she and the President’s debate became heated, she said, in front of the cameras no less “Let’s have this debate in private Mr. President” to which the President replied; “Let’s be transparent Nancy.”
Then it was cryin’ Chuck Schumer’s turn. He proceeded to tell the President that there will be no wall that it is too expensive and doesn’t work. I thought that the President was going to come out of his chair and slap Schumer. “Walls work!” he said. Schumer stuck to it and told the President that if he shuts the Government down it will be on him (the President). The President proceeded to tell Schumer that he will be proud to shut the government down over the safety of the American people. Of course the Democrats and lame stream media have played this statement over and over again, “Trump says he is proud to shut the government down.” Those of us who don’t have TDS (Trump Derangement Symptom) know what Trump was saying. What he meant was that he would be proud to stand by the American people and to put their safety first. He believes in the wall, he promised the American people a wall and will not allow the Democrats (and some Republicans for that matter) to pressure him into dropping his pledge.

We then endured 48 hours of “the world is coming to an end” again if the government shuts down; which it did at midnight Friday night. Saturday morning, I tweeted. “I am surprised the internet is working this morning with the government being shut down and all. Crazy, my coffee pot still went off and my dog still wanted to go out and pee.” Just like every government shutdown, the impact is next to nothing and for those on the Left that say 800,000 federal employees will not be paid, trust me, they will be paid, they are always paid. Fake news folks, fake news.
This is the second time that the Democrats have chosen illegals over the American citizens. Walls work. Don’t agree? Go talk to Israel or the border patrol for that matter. Where we have (real) walls, illegal passage is down by 90%. By the way, just to be clear, it is absolutely laughable to hear anyone in Washington attempt to sell the line, that the reason they don’t want the wall is because it’s too expensive and a waste of taxpayer funds. Washington is a lot of things, being concerned about spending taxpayer funds isn’t one of them.
Pelosi held a press conference where she said “The wall is immoral.” To that I say, “Go tell that to Kate Steinle’s father or anyone of the families that have lost a loved one to an illegal alien.”
Any other President would have buckled under by now and would be sitting in the corner of the White House sucking his thumb. Not this President. He fights on and loves every minute of it.
Finally, the next big shocker happened when the President announced that he would be pulling our troops out of Syria and drawing down at least half of the troops out of Afghanistan. This was followed by General Mad Dog Mattis’ resignation. The Washington war mongers went ballistic and the Democrats suddenly became great fans of war. You can’t make this crap up. When the President was elected the Democrats said that the President was going to start World War III. It’s just another real life example of their hatred of the President. None of this has anything to do with the actual act, it’s all about making the President look bad.
The entire Washington establishment and of course all of the fake news media would have us believe that the President has gone rouge and the entire administration is out of control. Again, these people just cannot get their heads around a President who actually does what he said he would do. He clearly stated, many times, during his campaign that he didn’t like the Middle East conflicts and he would be putting an end to them. Never the less, when he actually makes a move to do just that, they act as if it’s the first time they’ve ever heard of it.
Where do I stand on pulling the troops? I wouldn’t have voted for him if I didn’t agree with him on this. If you can’t get the job done in 16 years then something is very wrong. Trillions of dollars later, thousands of lives lost fighting with our hands tied behind our backs. Enough is enough. The Washington war machine has been given notice. My favorite is hearing these people who are showing grave concern for the Kurds. “If we abandon the Kurds they will be slaughtered”, said Lindsey Graham. Hey Lindsey, if you are so concerned about the Kurds, why haven’t you given them the actual tools they need to fight. They don’t need tents and toilet paper, they need missiles and tanks…
Ms. Pelosi weighed in on Mad Dog’s resignation. She said, and I quote “I am physically shaken by the loss of General Mattis.” End quote. When I heard this, I tweeted; “Pelosi said she is physically shaken by the loss of Mad Dog. She didn’t say anything when Obama fired him, um, that’s odd.”
So there you have it folks and I didn’t even get into the stock market nightmare… “Hey Federal Reserve, keep raising rates it is doing wonders for our retirement plans…”
In all seriousness, I send each of you best wishes for a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy your time off and your families.