I can hardly find a civil word for what I hear out of the mouths of the Left and the media. Just when I think they’ve reached the very bottom of the barrel, they prove me wrong.
Just what is it going to take until people on the Left finally come to the realization that they are the party of fools? What will it take until they admit the media is indeed the enemy of the people?
If this week hasn’t pushed them over the edge, then I don’t know what will. In fact, if this week didn’t move them to walk away, to disavow their party and the media, then sadly I believe there is no hope for them.

The media hit the screens this week proclaiming that the President should be ashamed for not visiting the troops during the Christmas Holiday. They no sooner finished their made-up fake news lie than the President landed in Iraq. Instead of apologizing, what did they do? They doubled down and took credit for his visit. “He only went because of the pressure we placed upon him”, they proclaimed. They want us to believe that the President of the United States doesn’t plan ahead; that he just decided to fly into a war zone, called up Air Force One and said, fuel her up were going to Iraq tonight… Good grief. Every flight is planned weeks and even months in advance. Setting that aside, the truth of the matter is that he was in the air as the media went on the air to shame him. And just to make a point, Obama visited the troops once in eight years. His time on the ground? 40 minutes. Just more of the Trump hate game.
It gets worse of course. A few of the troops had MAGA hats and asked the President to sign them, which of course he did. CNN, instead of reporting how wonderful that is, does a whole segment on how the President may have broken the law by handing out campaign propaganda. Really? He flew half way around the world to hand out MAGA hats. I swear to God, I am going to pop a cork!
I’m still not done… Oh my God, Melania was wearing Timberland boots. Last time it was her tennis shoes, now it is her boots. Who the hell wears boots to a war zone right? Right. Then, as she came off Marine One back home at the White House, the media went off the rails again because she was wearing leather pants. Just shoot me, someone please, put me out of my misery. The only thing that made me even more irate was to learn that Gallop had done a poll and the American people voted Michele Obama as the most admired women in America. Folks, it is taking every ounce of will that I have not to use the F word right now.

Meanwhile back home, while the President is in Washington, Congress is home opening presents with their families, drinking fine wine and wearing their slippers. In fact, Nancy Pelosi is spending her Christmas at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu Hawaii. This has become a tradition for her. For the last several years, she has reportedly stayed in the resort’s $10,000-a-night suite. Before leaving town though, the leadership on the Left made sure to get in front of a microphone and say “If Trump wants to open the Government, he must drop the wall” and “There will be no wall today, not next week, not next year.”; brought to you by crying Chuck Schumer and ding dong Nancy Pelosi. This is their strategy. They actually believe that the majority of Americans would rather we open the government to put the so called nonessential federal employees back to work than to give the President the funds to make us safer by building the wall. What is more ridiculous are the millions of the mindless Leftist sheep who agree with them. This isn’t just ridiculous it is downright scary. This week a veteran who lost three limbs fighting for our country started a Go Fund Me to raise funds to build the wall. What did the Left do? They tweeted to this man, this veteran, “great, raise funds to build a stupid wall instead of supporting our troops.” So, here we have the Left suddenly pretending to care about our vets? They don’t even want a vet to get a signed hat by the commander in chief for God’s sake… To the 800,000 federal employees I ask; do you still support the Democrat party? Do you still support them even though they have put illegal aliens ahead of you? Because that is exactly what they’ve done. They’ve said that it is more important to them that they not allow us to have a wall to add to our safety than it is for you to go back to work. They continue to prove over and over again that you, as legal American citizens are not as important as non-American “aliens.” You cannot seriously blame the President for this mess. All he is trying to do is make us and our families safer. Your party clearly doesn’t care about you. What is it going to take for you (the Left) to wake the hell up?
On Friday, the Modesto Sheriff held a press conference announcing the capture of the person who had killed a young police officer just a few hours after the officer had celebrated Christmas with his wife and young child. The officer’s brother attended the conference and when he spoke, he broke down in tears with a heart so heavy he could barely speak. The Sherriff announced that the person is an illegal alien who has been in the country for several years. They had also arrested two others who had attempted to throw the investigating officers off the suspect’s trail. These two are also illegal aliens. The Sherriff then put his job on the line by explaining that his office was not allowed to contact ICE because this murderer is protected by California’s sanctuary laws. Jerry Brown, Diane Feinstein and President wanna-be Kamala Harris promoted and pushed for these sanctuary laws. Feinstein and Harris are adamantly opposed to a border wall. Neither have ever even uttered the name “Kate Steinle” who as she laid on the sidewalk in San Francisco after being shot by an illegal alien looked into her father’s eyes and said “help me dad.” What do you on the Left need to happen in order to leave your hateful party? What?
When will you finally admit that the fake news media is your enemy? They are lying to you. They are doing everything they can to make you hate our President. Please do me a huge favor and ask yourself exactly what the President has done to harm you. Be honest with yourself. Then take a few moments out of your busy lives to think about all the things that the Left has done over these past two years that are good for you, good for the country. Be honest with yourself.
This hatred for the President has got to stop. It is not good for the country, it is not good for you. I disliked President Obama’s “policies” with every bone in my body. But I always loved our country and our people. This President has exposed everything that is wrong with our government and our media. So you don’t like his tweets, so what. Appreciate what he is doing rather than condemning what he tweets and keep in mind, he is attacked like no other President ever. 90% of the fake news media is negative. That’s a proven fact. 90% folks. The media is as corrupt as 90% of those cashing our taxpayer checks in Washington DC.
What do you need to see the truth? What will it take? You are choosing to live a life of anger and angst during a time when there is real hope for exposing all that is wrong with our government; a time when wrongs can be made right, a time when justice can finally be served, a time when we the People can once again regain control of our nation.
You folks on the Left and your leadership keep pushing and pushing. There is a limit to what loving Americans will take and you are very near that point of no return. Your plight to destroy this country and harm your fellow citizens must end and end now. The silent majority who elected this President is an eyelash away from stepping over your liberal politically correct line. Be careful want you ask for.