What Will It Take?

I can hardly find a civil word for what I hear out of the mouths of the Left and the media. Just when I think they’ve reached the very bottom of the barrel, they prove me wrong.

Just what is it going to take until people on the Left finally come to the realization that they are the party of fools? What will it take until they admit the media is indeed the enemy of the people?

If this week hasn’t pushed them over the edge, then I don’t know what will. In fact, if this week didn’t move them to walk away, to disavow their party and the media, then sadly I believe there is no hope for them.

The media hit the screens this week proclaiming that the President should be ashamed for not visiting the troops during the Christmas Holiday. They no sooner finished their made-up fake news lie than the President landed in Iraq. Instead of apologizing, what did they do? They doubled down and took credit for his visit. “He only went because of the pressure we placed upon him”, they proclaimed. They want us to believe that the President of the United States doesn’t plan ahead; that he just decided to fly into a war zone, called up Air Force One and said, fuel her up were going to Iraq tonight… Good grief. Every flight is planned weeks and even months in advance. Setting that aside, the truth of the matter is that he was in the air as the media went on the air to shame him. And just to make a point, Obama visited the troops once in eight years. His time on the ground? 40 minutes. Just more of the Trump hate game.

It gets worse of course. A few of the troops had MAGA hats and asked the President to sign them, which of course he did. CNN, instead of reporting how wonderful that is, does a whole segment on how the President may have broken the law by handing out campaign propaganda. Really? He flew half way around the world to hand out MAGA hats. I swear to God, I am going to pop a cork!

I’m still not done… Oh my God, Melania was wearing Timberland boots. Last time it was her tennis shoes, now it is her boots. Who the hell wears boots to a war zone right? Right.  Then, as she came off Marine One back home at the White House, the media went off the rails again because she was wearing leather pants. Just shoot me, someone please, put me out of my misery. The only thing that made me even more irate was to learn that Gallop had done a poll and the American people voted Michele Obama as the most admired women in America. Folks, it is taking every ounce of will that I have not to use the F word right now.


Meanwhile back home, while the President is in Washington, Congress is home opening presents with their families, drinking fine wine and wearing their slippers. In fact, Nancy Pelosi is spending her Christmas at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu Hawaii. This has become a tradition for her. For the last several years, she has reportedly stayed in the resort’s $10,000-a-night suite. Before leaving town though, the leadership on the Left made sure to get in front of a microphone and say “If Trump wants to open the Government, he must drop the wall” and “There will be no wall today, not next week, not next year.”; brought to you by crying Chuck Schumer and ding dong Nancy Pelosi.  This is their strategy.  They actually believe that the majority of Americans would rather we open the government to put the so called nonessential federal employees back to work than to give the President the funds to make us safer by building the wall. What is more ridiculous are the millions of the mindless Leftist sheep who agree with them. This isn’t just ridiculous it is downright scary.  This week a veteran who lost three limbs fighting for our country started a Go Fund Me to raise funds to build the wall. What did the Left do? They tweeted to this man, this veteran, “great, raise funds to build a stupid wall instead of supporting our troops.”  So, here we have the Left suddenly pretending to care about our vets? They don’t even want a vet to get a signed hat by the commander in chief for God’s sake… To the 800,000 federal employees I ask; do you still support the Democrat party? Do you still support them even though they have put illegal aliens ahead of you? Because that is exactly what they’ve done. They’ve said that it is more important to them that they not allow us to have a wall to add to our safety than it is for you to go back to work. They continue to prove over and over again that you, as legal American citizens are not as important as non-American “aliens.” You cannot seriously blame the President for this mess. All he is trying to do is make us and our families safer. Your party clearly doesn’t care about you. What is it going to take for you (the Left) to wake the hell up?

On Friday, the Modesto Sheriff held a press conference announcing the capture of the person who had killed a young police officer just a few hours after the officer had celebrated Christmas with his wife and young child. The officer’s brother attended the conference and when he spoke, he broke down in tears with a heart so heavy he could barely speak. The Sherriff announced that the person is an illegal alien who has been in the country for several years. They had also arrested two others who had attempted to throw the investigating officers off the suspect’s trail. These two are also illegal aliens. The Sherriff then put his job on the line by explaining that his office was not allowed to contact ICE because this murderer is protected by California’s sanctuary laws. Jerry Brown, Diane Feinstein and President wanna-be Kamala Harris promoted and pushed for these sanctuary laws. Feinstein and Harris are adamantly opposed to a border wall. Neither have ever even uttered the name “Kate Steinle” who as she laid on the sidewalk in San Francisco after being shot by an illegal alien looked into her father’s eyes and said “help me dad.” What do you on the Left need to happen in order to leave your hateful party? What?    

When will you finally admit that the fake news media is your enemy? They are lying to you.  They are doing everything they can to make you hate our President. Please do me a huge favor and ask yourself exactly what the President has done to harm you. Be honest with yourself. Then take a few moments out of your busy lives to think about all the things that the Left has done over these past two years that are good for you, good for the country. Be honest with yourself.

This hatred for the President has got to stop. It is not good for the country, it is not good for you. I disliked President Obama’s “policies” with every bone in my body. But I always loved our country and our people. This President has exposed everything that is wrong with our government and our media. So you don’t like his tweets, so what. Appreciate what he is doing rather than condemning what he tweets and keep in mind, he is attacked like no other President ever. 90% of the fake news media is negative.  That’s a proven fact. 90% folks. The media is as corrupt as 90% of those cashing our taxpayer checks in Washington DC.

What do you need to see the truth? What will it take? You are choosing to live a life of anger and angst during a time when there is real hope for exposing all that is wrong with our government; a time when wrongs can be made right, a time when justice can finally be served, a time when we the People can once again regain control of our nation.

You folks on the Left and your leadership keep pushing and pushing. There is a limit to what loving Americans will take and you are very near that point of no return. Your plight to destroy this country and harm your fellow citizens must end and end now. The silent majority who elected this President is an eyelash away from stepping over your liberal politically correct line. Be careful want you ask for.   

What was designed to be funny has instead become truth and not funny at all.

Tis’ the Season, Washington Style

Another fun filled week brought to you by our friends in Washington DC.  This week was full of drama, wasn’t it?

First, General Flynn went to his sentencing hearing. I was certain that the Judge would give him zero jail time and perhaps even dismiss the whole case. The Judge had previously made a number of statements that where not favorable to the prosecution (Mueller). Boy was I ever wrong… write that down because it’s a first (ha, ha). As it turned out, the Judge delayed sentencing until March of next year. Why? Because he learned along with the rest of us that Flynn was still cooperating with Mueller’s investigation. Like that, the Judge went from hero to zero in my eyes. Does this mean we are going to still be dealing with Mueller’s fake Russian collusion case until March?  Yippee…

The second thing to get us into the spirit of Christmas is the ongoing debate over funding of the Government. It all started with the President inviting the two Democratic leaders to the white house to talk about funding the President’s request for 5 billion for the wall. The fireworks began almost from the onset of the meeting. Incoming leader, ding dong Nancy Pelosi informed the President that he doesn’t have the votes in the House and she told him not to under estimate her power. As you know, three days later the House approved the President’s request. When she and the President’s debate became heated, she said, in front of the cameras no less “Let’s have this debate in private Mr. President” to which the President replied; “Let’s be transparent Nancy.”

Then it was cryin’ Chuck Schumer’s turn. He proceeded to tell the President that there will be no wall that it is too expensive and doesn’t work. I thought that the President was going to come out of his chair and slap Schumer. “Walls work!” he said. Schumer stuck to it and told the President that if he shuts the Government down it will be on him (the President).  The President proceeded to tell Schumer that he will be proud to shut the government down over the safety of the American people. Of course the Democrats and lame stream media have played this statement over and over again, “Trump says he is proud to shut the government down.”  Those of us who don’t have TDS (Trump Derangement Symptom) know what Trump was saying. What he meant was that he would be proud to stand by the American people and to put their safety first. He believes in the wall, he promised the American people a wall and will not allow the Democrats (and some Republicans for that matter) to pressure him into dropping his pledge.

Picture is worth a thousand words

We then endured 48 hours of “the world is coming to an end” again if the government shuts down; which it did at midnight Friday night. Saturday morning, I tweeted. “I am surprised the internet is working this morning with the government being shut down and all. Crazy, my coffee pot still went off and my dog still wanted to go out and pee.” Just like every government shutdown, the impact is next to nothing and for those on the Left that say 800,000 federal employees will not be paid, trust me, they will be paid, they are always paid. Fake news folks, fake news.

                                                                                                                                                            This is the second time that the Democrats have chosen illegals over the American citizens. Walls work. Don’t agree? Go talk to Israel or the border patrol for that matter. Where we have (real) walls, illegal passage is down by 90%. By the way, just to be clear, it is absolutely laughable to hear anyone in Washington attempt to sell the line, that the reason they don’t want the wall is because it’s too expensive and a waste of taxpayer funds. Washington is a lot of things, being concerned about spending taxpayer funds isn’t one of them.

Pelosi held a press conference where she said “The wall is immoral.” To that I say, “Go tell that to Kate Steinle’s father or anyone of the families that have lost a loved one to an illegal alien.”  

Any other President would have buckled under by now and would be sitting in the corner of the White House sucking his thumb. Not this President. He fights on and loves every minute of it.

Finally, the next big shocker happened when the President announced that he would be pulling our troops out of Syria and drawing down at least half of the troops out of Afghanistan. This was followed by General Mad Dog Mattis’ resignation. The Washington war mongers went ballistic and the Democrats suddenly became great fans of war. You can’t make this crap up. When the President was elected the Democrats said that the President was going to start World War III. It’s just another real life example of their hatred of the President. None of this has anything to do with the actual act, it’s all about making the President look bad.

The entire Washington establishment and of course all of the fake news media would have us believe that the President has gone rouge and the entire administration is out of control. Again, these people just cannot get their heads around a President who actually does what he said he would do. He clearly stated, many times, during his campaign that he didn’t like the Middle East conflicts and he would be putting an end to them. Never the less, when he actually makes a move to do just that, they act as if it’s the first time they’ve ever heard of it. 

Where do I stand on pulling the troops? I wouldn’t have voted for him if I didn’t agree with him on this. If you can’t get the job done in 16 years then something is very wrong. Trillions of dollars later, thousands of lives lost fighting with our hands tied behind our backs. Enough is enough. The Washington war machine has been given notice. My favorite is hearing these people who are showing grave concern for the Kurds. “If we abandon the Kurds they will be slaughtered”, said Lindsey Graham. Hey Lindsey, if you are so concerned about the Kurds, why haven’t you given them the actual tools they need to fight. They don’t need tents and toilet paper, they need missiles and tanks…   

Ms. Pelosi weighed in on Mad Dog’s resignation. She said, and I quote “I am physically shaken by the loss of General Mattis.” End quote.  When I heard this, I tweeted; “Pelosi said she is physically shaken by the loss of Mad Dog. She didn’t say anything when Obama fired him, um, that’s odd.”

So there you have it folks and I didn’t even get into the stock market nightmare… “Hey Federal Reserve, keep raising rates it is doing wonders for our retirement plans…”

In all seriousness, I send each of you best wishes for a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy your time off and your families.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas!

Lions, Tigers & Bears, Oh My

The media would have us believe that it’s over.  It is now just a matter of time until our President is convicted of crimes and impeached. This is their message 24/7 right now. Actually it’s always been their message. It is just at an all-time fever pitch right now.

The latest, and the straw that will reportedly break Trump’s back is the sentencing of his former attorney, Michael Cohen who received a three year prison sentence this week along with a number of fines. It matters not to the media that none of these crimes have anything to do with Donald Trump or even the election. But, Cohen pleaded guilty to breaking campaign finance laws which, according to highly respected experts, attorneys and law professors was simply stupid on Cohen’s part because no laws were broken. Respected democratic law professor, Alan Dershowitz challenged anyone to show him the statutes in the law that prove Cohen broke any campaign finance law. What amazes me is that even “if” Cohen broke a campaign law (which he hasn’t) that’s a Cohen problem not a Donald Trump problem. Cohen is now a known liar and everyone knows it,even the FBI. But, once he turned on Trump in his desperate attempt to save himself, the Left was all-in and now they believe everything the known liar has to say and of course, now he has a lot to say. To hear him, he has seen the light and now is a God like saint.

Come January, when the Democrats take over the House of Representatives, you can believe they will be putting our tax dollars to work in an all out effort to impeach the President or at the very least to harm him politically with an eye on 2020 and winning back the presidency.

The media and the Democrats continually like to point out that the Mueller investigation has indicted over a dozen people involved in the election of the President. That is about all you hear from them. What they don’t spend any time talking about is the fact that every one of the indictments have had zero to do with the election or the President. They leave that minor (not minor at all) detail out. The mindless sheep hearing this however take it all in and consume it as Gospel.

It is absolutely incredible that the President enjoys a 50%approval rating with all of this negative  fake news. The man has everyone against him and even his own party; the Republicans are less than supportive. Yet, he has a higher approval rating during the same time as the prior three or four Presidents. I can only imagine what his approval rating would be if he had even some allies talking about his accomplishments.

Can you even believe the country is having a debate over putting America first? Me either, but that’s what is going on. The Democrats pledge there will be no funding for the southern wall. Any person with any common sense would translate this pledge into the Democrats choosing an open border which favors illegals entering the country; bringing with them all of the drugs, murders, child trafficking, and costing us billions upon billions to house, feed and educate them. The Democrats make it clear that they would rather allow all of this to occur rather than to make the American people safer. Whether you are for a wall or not, the President’s intentions are good and right. By the way, if you’re not for the wall then you’re just being naive.

Let me ask you, if you want to break into a home, are you going to choose the one that has a tall fence around it or the one where you can simple walk up to the home, break the window and go in? It’s really as simple as that. If you answer you’d rob the house with the fence then I don’t know why you are even reading my blog because you’re lacking any common sense whatsoever. I’d call you a moron but that would be rude…

I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating. The President’s supporters do not care, at all, what he did or didn’t do prior to becoming President. We all knew when we elected him that he wasn’t a saint, infact, that’s exactly why we voted for him. If we wanted another globalist, go along with the status quo President we would have voted for anyone of the other 16 candidates. We wanted a kick ass businessman who owes nothing to anyone in Washington or the world. We wanted a man that would view the Federal Government through the eyes of a successful businessman. Do we think the billionaire cheated on his wife and paid the whores off to keep them quiet? Do we think he took every advantage allowed by law when doing his taxes? Hell yes. So what?

The Left and the media want to hang him for paying off the women. This all while we learn Congress maintains a slush fund to pay off interns when they are accused of sexual misconduct and keep in mind, their misconduct has occurred while they were and still are, senators on our dime! Whatever the President did he did as a private citizen. Huge difference in my eyes. Huge difference.

As for the media, please, give me a break. How many of these media guys have been throw out on their butts for sexual misconduct? And, where were all these Democrats and media when then, “President” Clinton was using cigars as sexual toys in the oval office of all places? I wish there was a stronger word to describe these people because hypocrites doesn’t do them justice.

In an alternate world, I’d love to have a president that’s exactly like Trump without the baggage he had in his personal life, however,when asked, Jesus refused to run for office.

As for the midterm election, I couldn’t be more disappointed in the Republicans losing the house. Thank the good Lord we maintained and even increased our majority in the Senate.

Why anyone would even begin to support a Democrat right now is beyond me. Can anyone tell me what they stand for that is good for our country and that is good for you and me? Anyone? They openly call for open borders, free healthcare for all (you understand nothing is free don’t you?),and socialism. Speaking of understanding, certainly you understand what socialism is, right? Let me pare it down in very simple terms for you. Socialism is a program where you give all of your money to the government and then they decide who gets what. This is the reason you see so many empty shelves at the grocery stores in these socialist countries, while government leaders live in palaces, have personal jets, security guards and live the highlife. The people turn their leaders into Kings and Queens. You want to be an Engineer? Nope, we have enough of them, you will be a street sweeper. Don’t panic though, both jobs pay the same… So lions (Mueller), tigers (the Dems) and bears(media) folks; these animals are working overtime to make every effort to turn us against our President. Turn us against the one person who openly proclaims a policy which puts us ahead of everything else. Not only that, he has delivered on every promise he has had the single ability to do on his own. You can trust that we would have our wall already if left up to him. You can trust Obamacare would have been buried during the first six months in office if left up to him. You can trust new bridges, roads, and airports would already be under construction if left to him. The lions, tigers and bears are without a doubt an “oh my”.Keep the faith, the wonderful wizard of the USA will get us through it all.


Bush 41

This week has been mostly about giving our 41 President, George H.W. Bush a respectful and well-earned fair well. My first thought, when I heard he had passed was “that’s too bad, he was a good man.” My second thought, having just recently endured the week long goodbye to SenatorMcCain was, “here we go again”, but, you know what? I’ve enjoyed the coverageand while I thought I knew a lot about the man I learned a lot more.

There is no man or woman walking the face of our beloved earth that is perfect. Not-a-one. Each and every one of us have our issues. To that, I think we can all agree.

When you think about 41’s life and pause to put it into perspective, it is pretty damn amazing. Whether you are a fan or not, Bush 41 lead a life that any American loving patriot should be in awe of.

He was born into wealth but at 18 he joined the Navy. That’s “joined” the Navy, not drafted. Here is a kid who could have basically done anything he wanted but instead chose to join the fight in the Pacific during the height of World War II. He would go on to be the youngest naval fighter pilot; landing and taking off aircraft carriers, an art in itself, especially back then.

During his service, he flew over 50 missions; one as you know, that ended with his plane being shot down. His fellow crew members lost their lives, something he carried throughout his whole life. As he floated in the middle of the Pacific, he hoped and prayed that the US would find him before the Japanese did. When a submarine surfaced near him, one can only imagine the feeling he had when he saw the American Flag on the side of the sub.

From there, he finished college at Yale. Wanting to make his own way, he moved away from the family in Massachusetts to Midland, Texas where he became an oil man. W spoke about the family living in a small apartment sharing a common bathroom with ladies of the night.

Becoming filthy rich with his own hands and smarts he decides to, as he said, give it back by running for public office. His first attempt to run for congress was met with defeat but two years later he won his bid and served two terms in the House of Representatives. During his public career he also held the position of Ambassador to the United Nations. In 1971 he became the head of the Republican National Committee during the Watergate scandal. He was also made the U.S. envoy to China and in 1976 became the Director of Central Intelligence Agency.

Bush then set out to become President but failed to win the party’s nomination to Ronald Reagan. I guess if you have to lose, losing to Reagan isn’t a bad way to go. As you know, Reagan would pick Bush as his Vice President and Bush stayed with Reagan throughout his two terms. Bush was extremely loyal to Reagan and stood by him at every turn. Following the Reagan years, Bush successfully won the office of the Presidency in 1989.

During his one year term, Bush is credited with skillfully seeing through the dissolution of the Soviet Union and oversaw the military’s removal of Panamanian dictator Noriega. Bush was especially known for his ousting of Iraq when they invaded Kuwait in 1990. This was by far Bush’s biggest achievement. No American lives were lost during this assault, which is remarkable when you think about it. Many however, criticized Bush at the time for not going all the way to Bagdad and removing Saddam Hussein. I would like to think those very same critics now understand why Bush didn’t.

This week’s tribute to our 41st President was nothing less than impressive. When you think about all of the planning that it took and how each phase went off without a single flaw you know that George had to be proud.

I like that we honor our Presidents and I think this week gave all of us a lot to think about in terms of our own lives. We aren’t Presidents, or congress people, many of us don’t even like the United Nations much less want to be its Ambassador and I am guessing that running the CIA would make it hard to sleep at night, but, we are fathers, brothers and sisters. We are Americans and thus we can learn from this man’s life. From what I’ve learned, Mr. Bush’s basket was full of many honorable deeds. He liked people and people liked him. He felt a duty to the people and he did the best he knew how to fulfill that duty.

When given the choice to pick and choose the good or bad of a man, I choose the good. I was very proud of our country this week and grateful for learning more about our 41st President. God rest his soul.