Does anyone want to take a wild guess as to how I feel about this? Do you think I am among those who support the President’s idea of placing the military at the border?
Geraldo Rivera, Juan Williams and the Left describe these folks as poor people desperately seeking a better life in America. The thousand-plus mile march toward the US has been very difficult in extreme heat. Their feet are burning and they are hungry but they continue on in order to escape the dangerous conditions in their home county of Honduras. According to them, the caravan is full of women and children and just as the President is sure that there are bad people among the 10,000 marchers, the Left is equally sure there aren’t any. To hear the Left, these folks are our responsibility. Somehow, it is America’s duty to welcome all those who desire to come into the country. And, if you disagree, you are automatically labeled a racist against brown people.
Do you find it at all interesting that not one family or even 10 families suddenly decided to march toward the US at once but rather, thousands of people decided, at the very same time that now was the time to march? It seems just a little odd, don’t you think? And what about the timing? Does it make you close one eye and scratch your head that they’ve chosen to march just a few weeks prior to our election on November 6th? Does this make you think someone is behind this? Who is paying for all of this? I’ve seen people handing out money and water to the marchers. As it relates to the long walk, every video I see, I see the marchers riding in the back of trucks, or buses, or pick-ups. Sure, I saw the video of the marchers stacked up on the bridge leading into Mexico. I also saw them tearing down the fence to get through. As far as all the women and
children, every time I see videos on the television of these folks I have to really focus and hunt to even find any women and children. What I see is a majority of men. They are easy to pick out because many are waving the Honduran flag. You know, the flag of the country that they hate so much and from which they are escaping. Then there is the video of these same poor, poor people burning the American flag, the flag they first painted the Nazi swastika on. Finally, I’ve heard some of these marchers being interviewed. It sure makes me feel sorry for these folks and makes me want to invite them into my own home when I hear them denounce our President and call him a Nazi…right?
If you don’t think this is a paid political stunt you might be a liberal, socialist, globalist nut. I suppose there is chance you’re just extremely naïve.
If you think we should just let these people cross the border and spread throughout our country let me ask you this. Are you ok with millions more coming in? I ask because if we don’t take a stand now, this is exactly what will happen. It’s already happening. Back in February we had, although a smaller group of only a few thousand do the very same thing. Had it not been for the screaming bleeding heart liberals we would have sent a strong message that this is not okay and if you come you’ll be separated from your families and you’ll be jailed. But, once again we folded and let the Left drive the narrative.
The President threatened to cut off aid to the Central American countries who did not stop the caravan. I applauded this. Sadly, that didn’t work. I hope he stands by his threat. We’ll need the money to feed and house these marchers… You do realize that’s your money, right? Let me ask, if suddenly you were given a choice, would you rather send money to our Government to feed and house and educate the illegal aliens entering our country or would you choose to have the Government help the thousands of homeless vets sleeping under bridges throughout America? Or maybe you’d like your money going to the poor folks living in the gutters of the many American cities. Cities that are run by Democrats, I might add… Finally, you just might be going through difficult times yourself and choose to keep ‘your’ money to help you get through those tough times. Which would you choose? The point here is that you don’t get to choose, do you? Me either.
Congress is unable or unwilling to pass reasonable immigration laws, they have refused to fully fund the wall and with no help from Central America or Mexico, the President is being put in a position to take serious matters into his own hands. It is the American President who takes an oath to protect the country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. A caravan of 10,000 and growing waving other country’s flags, burning the American flag and denouncing the American President meets the definition of enemy in my book.
The President has called for shutting down the borders and bringing in the United States Military to stop the invaders. I realize using the word “invaders” will make Geraldo and Juan and the Left go off the deep end but, isn’t that what the caravan is? Dictionary Definition: Invader – A person or group that invades a country, region, or other place. The caravan is most definitely a group, they are certainly intending to invade our country, I mean we didn’t invite them, they aren’t intending to come in legally. They are a true threat are they not? What would you call a group that busted down your front door and broke into your home, ate your food, slept in your bed and never left? You pick the word, I can think of many. None are good.
I have a real problem with using the military at the border. I have felt that we should never use our military unless we are willing to allow them to do what they are trained to do and that is to protect and win at all costs. Historically, one of the most frustrating and unacceptable things I’ve seen is when we send our troops into a situation with a standing order that ties one of their hands behind their backs. “Never shoot first.” In my opinion, if you aren’t sending our patriots into a situation to win then you shouldn’t be sending them in the first place.
I usually have an answer for everything. It may not be the best answer but it is an answer none the less. This one really has me scratching my head.
All I can do is picture the strongest military on the face of the earth being ridiculed by the invaders on live television. Spitting at them and holding up signs calling them and America the most dreadful things one can imagine. I can hear the MSM now calling the President a murderer and bleeding all over themselves in favor of the poor illegals just wanting a better life.
Worse, I know the President isn’t going to order the troops to shoot anyone trying to cross the border. And I picture thousands of them doing just that and then what? We can hose them down with powerful water cannons, hit them with smoke bombs and other nonlethal weaponry won’t that look great on the evening news? You know the caravan leaders will have the women and children in the front of the line…
I can’t paint a picture that makes us look like anything other than non-caring nationalists. Maybe I shouldn’t care, maybe this is what it is going to take to send the message that coming here illegally isn’t ok. This situation falls directly in the laps of the far Left. They are the ones that have created this mess. Will the rest of America (voters) agree with that? How many Independents will not have the stomach for this kind of strength?
Perhaps the real solution is to enact what I call the Putin Rule. Instead of us being invaded we do the invading. If these Central American countries treat their people so badly perhaps we should just take them over. That would certainly stop the immigration problem. I am kidding of course but, it is a bit funny if you think about it. If these 10,000 poor mistreated people took to the streets of their own countries there is a very good chance that we (the US Government) would come to their aid. Instead, they show zero love for their own country and they march toward ours; and by all indications, they have no love for the US either. I do feel sorry that they are being used by the Left’s political elite. Just as they used Dr. Ford, the blacks, and the poor in this country.
God give our President the knowledge he needs to handle this made up crisis on the border. To my patriot friends, vote.
How many women & children can you count? The MSM says most are. Fake News folks, Fake News.