The Choice Is Yours

In a few more weeks millions of Americans and sadly it appears, illegals and those who have long since passed away will vote. On November 6th Americans will decide the direction of the country.

If the Democrats win the House or the Senate they will block anything the President was elected to do. This isn’t a prediction, this is a fact because they’ve openly stated as much. This new Democrat Party was born during the Obama years. Today’s party has absolutely nothing to do with the old Democrat Party of JFK or even Bill Clinton. This is the party of hate, disruption and divide. One only has to look at their daily events to see this is true.

This week, their leader, Hillary said that democrats can no longer be civil. This statement falls right in line with Maxine Waters’ call for all Democrats to seek out Republicans wherever and whenever possible and raise hell. 2020 Presidential hopeful, Democrat Senator Cory Booker, while in Iowa, called out to all Democrats to, and I quote “Please, get up in the face of some congress people.”. Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder this week said, ‘Remember when Michelle said when they go low we go high? No, no, no, when they (republicans) go low we kick them.’ The fake Me Too movement is not really a movement to protect women and expose people who abuse women. It is a made-up liberal movement designed to destroy all right leaning men, most specifically the evil white men. If you pay attention at all, you’ll notice that they never hit the streets yelling and screaming wearing their pink vagina hats when a Democrat is involved in violence towards women or even when an MS-13 gang member kills a woman. The protesters we all witnessed during the Supreme Court hearings were paid protesters. Again, this isn’t just me. The protesters were caught on tape admitting it. We now have a video of their handlers telling them, while on the bus riding to the protests ‘do not tell anyone you were paid.’ Why does this matter? It matters because these aren’t people who care about issues.  They do what they do because they get paid. Finally and the worse of it all, the main stream media promotes these lies and deceptions. Over 92% of all news coverage is negative towards the President. That means that 92% of the time when Americans watch the news they are hearing only negative things about the President. They are nothing more than an arm of the new Democrat Party. Their goal is the same; divide and conquer the American voters.

For me, it all comes down to common sense. The Democrats haven’t voted for any of the good things this President has done for the country. They have been against everything.

When you go to vote next month and for God’s sake, please vote, be reminded of all the good this President has done. For the first time in 50 years we have more jobs available than actual people to fill them. Unemployment hasn’t been this low since WWII. Black and Hispanic unemployment has never been this low. More women are working today than in the last 30 years. These are very good things folks. Trump wants to make the tax cuts permanent. If the Democrats win, this will never happen. Then there is immigration. The President wants to protect our border and his followers, all 63 million of us want the wall. We want to take control of who comes into our country. All other countries on earth do this with the exception of Europe and look at the mess they have; constant terror attacks, all of which are within their own open borders. He wants to end catch and release. This is where border patrol catches the illegals crossing the border and as the current law requires, they release them into the US on the promise to return for a court date. They never return. How stupid is this? Gangs, drugs, high tax payer costs and all the violence that comes with these illegals and the Democrats vow to keep immigration laws as they are. Actually they vow to make them worse by promoting sanctuary for all no matter what. If you agree with this, it’s only because you’ve been lucky enough not to have a loved one harmed by an illegal. We need immigrants, the President says this all the time. Remember him saying the wall will have a big, beautiful door? But, “we” must be able to decide who we allow in. It’s our country. With no borders we have no country, no control and far less safety.

The Democrats have moved so far left that they are now the party of socialism. This is what they’ve decided will create the votes that they need to regain the power they so desperately want.  Only a fool would be for this. They proclaim everything will be free. Nothing, NOTHING, is free. Socialism hasn’t worked throughout history for anyone ever. Socialism means you pay more of what you earn to the government than you get to keep. Think about that because it is true. Do you really trust these people to control your money more than you trust yourself? That is what socialism is. Government control of your life, cradle to grave.

Under the President’s leadership we’ve seen a record breaking stock market which means millions of Americans are seeing their 401Ks and IRAs grow like never before, record breaking jobs, higher wages, low unemployment and higher GDP growth than we’ve had in a decade and still growing. Stronger military, vets are now able to seek treatment from any doctor or hospital no longer having to depend on the VA. Right to try, this new program allows those who are terminally ill, the right to try experimental drugs giving them at least some hope and some actually save lives. There literally is only good news since Trump was elected. The Supreme Court has now been rebalanced protecting our constitutional rights. Law and order is once again respected and important. This would be an awful and scary place without law enforcement and due process. The President has made this a priority.

It’s not important whether you like or dislike the President. What’s important are the pro-American policies he has put in place that benefit all Americans.

So, the choice is yours. You get to decide if we stay on the current positive path or if we turn back to high unemployment, lower wages and a more divided and weak America.

To me the choice has never, in my lifetime, been more obvious. Please join me in giving our President a super majority in November. Help me send another very clear message to Washington that we stand with this President because we stand with a stronger America, one that allows our people to prosper and grow.

Vote republican across the board in November then sit back and watch America become greater, safer, stronger, and more prosperous than ever before. This is a once in a lifetime President who is more open than any President before him. He is truly doing the business of the people. Something we’ve not seen before. He has exposed the deep state that we always knew was there but never had the ability to do anything about it. He may be a billionaire but, he thinks, acts and talks just like you and me. Give him the tools he needs to do what he said he would do, Make America Great Again.  I’ll see you at the polls on November 6th!