Seriously folks, I really don’t get what so many people on the Left see in their party’s agenda. To be perfectly honest, I don’t really know what their agenda is, other than to remove the President from office. Other than that, I don’t have a clue.
Obama, the Democratic Party leader gave a speech this week. He went on and on about how horrible things are in the country and then in the very same speech took credit for the great economy. How can everything be horrible but the economy be great? At another point in the speech, he compared Benghazi to the birther issue. “The Republicans push their conspiracies like Benghazi and my birth certificate.” I actually get the conspiracy over his birth place, but Benghazi? Where is the conspiracy there? Our people were under attack, Obama and Hillary did nothing to help them. That’s a conspiracy? No. That is a proven fact. Yet, the leftist liberals in the audience, all 750 of them, applauded this out-right lie. Finally, he announced that the Republican Party is the party of division. What? This man was the divider-in-chief. It was he who caused all of the division in the country. Today’s policies of the Left are truly The Obama Policies. Eight years of those Lefty/Obama policies are the reason we have a President Trump.
In congress, the Democratic leadership has made two things clear. First, not a day goes by that one of them doesn’t complain about Trump and how the end of the world is near if we don’t remove him from office. The second thing is pro-immigration everything; no borders, let illigals vote, give them benefits that even American citizens don’t receive and finally, entering our country illegally is, well, legal.
The Left actually paid the protestors to attend the Supreme Court Nominee Senate hearings last week. Did you see these people? How on earth does the Left believe that outbursts like those are supposed to garner support for their party or change someone’s mind? One lady, I don’t know if you saw this or not, actually let blood run down in between her bare legs. I guess this was supposed to be a statement that the Supreme Court nominee would kill women’s health. This was about the grossest thing I’ve ever witnessed during a congressional hearing. But again, I don’t get it. Does the Left really think that acts like this are going to move people to their way of thinking? And the Democrat Senators questioning the nominee, did you hear them? They made absolute fools of themselves. Senator Booker who wants to run for President in 2020 released confidential documents in what he hoped, would be an “I got you” moment. The problem is, he obviously didn’t read the documents because they were positive and actually helped the nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. And Booker wants to be President? You can’t make this crap up. Another wanna-be President, Kamala Harris asked the nominee if he had ever spoken to anyone at a law firm that has over 300 people working there and I guess, is part of the Mueller Russia collusion investigation. Kavanaugh said he wasn’t sure, and asked her to tell him what her concern was or who it was she was referring to. Her reply. “Just answer the question.” Just a big game, that’s all that was. Contrast that with a question republican senator Ted Cruz asked the nominee. “Judge, tell me what your thoughts are on the 1st amendment.” Then Cruz shut up and listened.
Finally, I guess the trend for the Democratic Party is socialism. Old man Bernie Sanders started this Brainiac idea and apparently the entire party is all-in. Sadly, most voters on the Left have no idea what socialism really is. Most, especially the young voters just think it’s about getting everything for free. Wasn’t Margret Thatcher who said “Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money?”
These are the things, and SO many more that we see coming from the Democrat Party. Vagina hats, ANTIFA gangs, hating the police, no borders, everyone is a racist, no pledge of allegiance in schools, tear down historic statues, MS-13 gang members are people too, forcing people to buy insurance from the government, get rid of the right to bear arms, continue to fund abortions with taxpayer money, kill coal, kill steel, ban straws, develop safe places for people to shoot up drugs, don’t clean the streets of people who are defecating in the street, hire others to clean up after the people defecating instead, crazy concerns about Russia meddling in our elections but against voter ID, claim they are the party for the people but not one voted for the tax cuts, claimed they are for the dreamers but didn’t vote to allow the dreamers to remain in the country, they have worked to brainwash the black community into believing that they are the party who cares deeply for them, yet every city with a high minority population that are run by Democrats is full of murders and poverty. Finally, socialism; give the Democrats 90% of your money and they will decide who gets what. Sure…
How can you be a sane person and still be a Democrat? Seriously, how? How can you possibly claim that you love freedom, America, or safety for your families and be a Democrat? That’s an easy answer. Democrats don’t love freedom or America and as evidenced by their open-borders policy and police resistance, they certainly don’t care about your safety.
Crazy times folks. Scary times really. John F. Kennedy, a Democrat said “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” I wasn’t a big fan of Kennedy but, if he were alive today, he’d be a Republican.
To finish, if you care at all about any of these things, then for God’s Sake and love for each other, vote Red in November. If you don’t, we, as a country and American citizens are going to be tossed aside in favor of these radical disastrous ideas.