15 months and counting with our new President and the Left still haven’t a clue as to why he won in the first place. I know this to be true based on how they react to everything the President does. It’s also true that Trump could cure cancer tomorrow and the Left would demand an investigation as to why he waited so long. It’s an all-out “hate Trump” war for the Left.
They and their partners in the main stream media slammed him over his brash hard remarks to North Korea. He called the leader Rocket Man and the Left went wild. “He is an embarrassment”, they screamed. Fast forward just a few months, the Korean leader requests a meeting with the President. He told South Korea that he is willing to discuss complete destruction of their nuke program. Furthermore, he said that he understands that the joint U.S. and South Korean military training drills and current heavy sanctions will continue.
No other President has ever had the courage to take a hard line and mean what they’ve said. Every President, before Trump has handed our tax dollars to NK in an attempt to buy their way into the North’s favor. Still, the Left cannot seem to give any praise to this President for actually wanting to do something to stop NK while giving them nothing in the process. IF this president is successful and it’s a big IF, this will be nearly as amazing as curing cancer. Will the Left finally get it, will they finally give in and admit this President loves America? Hell no.
One of Trumps main talking points during the election was trade. He talked about how unfair it is, how so many countries take advantage of us and how he didn’t blame those countries. He explained that they are just smarter than our leaders. He ran on fixing the trade deficits.
He gets elected and after a busy first year, he dives into fixing trade. Both Mexico and Canada are on notice to change NAFTA or be prepared to have the US walk out. He then moved his sights to South Korea, who has now promised to play fair. Now he is in the middle of negotiations with the big one, China. He throws out a threat. They come back with a bigger threat. He doesn’t back down. He doubles down and promises to apply tariffs amounting to $150 billion. That is more than China counter-threat.
Meanwhile, the Left, Wall Street and the MSM are freaking out. They say that the world as we know it is about to come to an end. Of course, even the Left and Wall Street, in fact everyone agrees that China has never played fair and have been totally hosing us and every company who does business with them. Even past Presidents have complained of unfair treatment. Yet none have taken this on. Why? Because they are afraid of their own shadows and honestly, they don’t know how to be strong and believe in the strength of the USA. The Left simply cannot believe the President is doing this. They don’t even understand why he is doing it because in their minds he has so much to lose. Again, they simply have no clue.
Trade and cheating tariffs remind me of bullies. When I was a freshman in high school there was a kid who was a known bully. Every school has at least one. Nearly every day, when I would to the snack machine to buy chocolate milk and warm chocolate chip cookie, this kid would show up and bully the other kids for their money. Before he was done, someone always handed over their snack money. I’ll be honest, there were some days that I would see the bully at the vending machines and I would just walk away and forego the snack. Then my day came. After watching so many other kids cower and hand over their money, I wasn’t having it. When he approached me, all 5’6″ of me, I turned and faced him. With the angriest, most pissed-off expression, and tough talk that I could muster, and before he could say a word, I said “You’re not getting my money and get the fuck away from me.” (Sorry for the language.) Thankfully, he turned and walked away. I was shaking but he never approached me again and I again never went without my chocolate milk and cookie.
The moral of the story, the only way to overcome a bully is to be a bigger bully. That’s exactly what our President is doing with China and others. Like any of us, he would prefer to have these countries play fair and he would be more than happy to do the same. Sadly, life doesn’t operate that way.
Finally, there is immigration. This was another big part of his campaign. Everyone knows he ran on building a wall, putting Americans first, stopping illegal immigration and all of the bad things that come with it (MS13, drugs, jobs, tax payer funds, etc). Based in part on these campaign promises, the American people elected Trump. Once again, the Left and their partners, the MSM call him a racist and every other name in the book. Even (not surprising) his own party on the Right have been less than helpful. When he learned about a caravan of nearly 1500 people heading for the US from south of the border, what does he do? He sends in the military to help the border patrol with security. Other Presidents have done the same thing but in this case, the Left will not stand for this President doing it. Out comes the word racist again and the bleeding heart liberals accuse him of having no compassion. It’s sad really because most Hispanics actually think the Left cares about them. They do not, they care about your vote.

Do you find it as amazing as I do that the Left actually hates Trump for protecting our border? Think about that for a few minutes.
The Federal Government has a law suit pending against the State of California over their sanctuary city law. Speaking of amazing, can you even believe California refuses to work with ICE? They are refusing to inform ICE when a criminal illegal is released from jail. How does this protect legal California citizens and how does this not endanger all of America? The Left wants to take our guns away but they are not interested in deporting illegal criminals who have committed felonies, including, murder. You know why, don’t you? It’s because guns don’t vote. You know how I feel about voter ID…
What the Left still doesn’t get, is that we elected President Trump because we want him to do the very things he is doing. We want a President that stands up for us and who isn’t afraid to do what’s right for our individual citizens and the country as a whole. We like that he is taking on China and we’re not afraid of the outcome. In fact, we are fully prepared to support the President by paying higher prices for some goods. We want our country to be treated fairly or, just like in our personal lives, we will take our business elsewhere. This is a philosophy that the Left simply doesn’t understand.
The President ran on building a wall, putting Americans first and deporting criminals. Same as above, we elected him because that’s what we want too. We are sick and tired of being overrun by illegals and we are really tired of watching our Government provide them, via our tax dollars, with benefits we don’t get.
As for North Korea, ISIS, Iran, you name the evil, we elected a President that will not bow before other world leaders and if he draws a red line you sure as hell better not cross it because he will do what he said he will do. He proved that during the first few months he was in office, when he dropped the mother of all bombs on Syria for using chemical weapons. Something Obama said he would do but never did.
While the Left continues to live in their Liberal world and continues to believe that American didn’t really want President Trump, our President keeps plowing forward and standing by his promises; which in itself is historical. The millions of us who voted for him continue to be both impressed and thankful.
I can imagine the President sitting in the oval office by himself, shaking his head in disgust regarding the amount of corruption and downright stupidity that goes on in Washington. Like so many of us, he wasn’t on the inside. Now that he is able to see everything, he probably would like to burn the whole place down and start over. The Left still doesn’t get it, but we do.