That’s the narrative coming from the Left and many of the kids from the Florida school shooting. Nobody can blame the kids for this narrative. After all, these kids are the product of today’s liberal educators and parents. That and they’re kids!
It’s something to watch, that’s for sure. I guess the thinking (as if any thinking is actually going on) is that the NRA supports guns and a gun is what killed all those students so there you go…
A guy is drunk and kills someone while driving. Who gets the blame, the car, the alcohol or the driver? If not the driver, why is he jailed?
Someone uses a knife and robs a store. Are we marching against the knives? Are we boycotting the knife manufacturers?
A terrorist rents a Ford U-Haul truck and mows down people on Main Street. U-Hauls fault? What about Ford? They made that big truck. Is it their fault?
A few years ago, two brothers used pressure cookers to blow people up during a marathon in Boston. The authorities killed one of the brothers (terrorist) and jailed the other. Was this tragedy caused by the pressure cookers or the brothers who turned them into bombs? Did we ban pressure cookers? Should we? Should businesses ban all Americans who use pressure cookers?
I suspect you get my point. So in each of these cases and based on the current discussions regarding the school shooting, should we consider banning all trucks, all knives, pressure cookers and all alcohol? Should this be the discussion we should be having? Will banning any of these stop the killings they’ve caused? What if we at least increase the age to 21 before one can own a knife or car? We already have to be 21 to drink so I guess that’s ok or should it be 25 or go back to prohibition? You remember how well that worked out…
Banning guns would be just like prohibition. The non-law abiding citizens would have guns leaving the rest of us vulnerable or the ban would cause law abiding citizens to become unlawful citizens. Negative and unhelpful either way.
I honestly don’t know what I am missing. I cannot, for the life of me, begin to understand the thinking coming from these liberals who are so against our Second Amendment. One Senator from Florida, during a so called town hall meeting, aired by CNN came right out and said “People don’t kill people, guns do.” He said that out loud, on television in front of all those who had just gone through the school shooting. I’ll repeat it, “People don’t kill people, guns do.” I never thought anyone on the Left would ever have the courage to make such an insane comment out loud. I was obviously mistaken.
In the simplest terms, that means that a gun is a living, breathing thing. It can load itself, aim itself and pull its own trigger. Amazing thing, a gun is. Seventeen people were killed and this is the argument coming from a United States Democrat Senator. It goes without saying, but I will anyway. Not a single gun, on its own, killed anyone, ever. Same goes for a car, a pressure cooker, a knife, a box cutter, a baseball bat, an airplane or even a fist attached to a man’s arm. In each of these cases, it was the sick and evil mind of a person that killed innocent people.
As for having an honest discussion about protecting our schools, I can only refer you to the article (Florida Shooting) that I wrote two days after the horrible incident. My opinion hasn’t changed. It scares me that the leaders in this country don’t have productive ideas to protect our children. Everything being proposed is naïve and nothing more than a band aid.
Proposed changes from leadership:
Ban all AR15 rifles: Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. What about M1s, 22s and 500 other gun types?
Raise the age to 21 to buy all guns: There are sick, evil people of all ages. How old was the Vegas shooter, 50, 60?
Boycott the NRA: See above.
Arm the schools: This will reduce the number killed but not stop the killing.
Increase and improve background checks: Again, this will help keep guns from people who shouldn’t have them but, it will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals who want to kill. It will help but not stop the killings. Don’t forget about all the other ways to perform evil…
Better care for the mentally ill: Good, but our kids are going to school tomorrow. Another band aid
What ideas do you have?
In the President’s round table discussion, with a number of the victim’s families, there was a father who lost his daughter. He had his two sons with him. He was pissed off and he said so. He was smarter than everyone else in the room, including the school officials, law enforcement and yes, the President. This sounds like bragging on my part because he said the same thing I’ve been saying about the solutions. They’re just band aids. The father wanted the schools secured. No one gets in without being checked, without having their bags checked and then the doors locked. He truly wants to fix the problem and not in a year or even a month, tomorrow before his boys go back to school.
To finish, as for the NRA, Americans should thank the NRA and stand beside them. If not for the NRA, we would be without our Second Amendment entirely. They have fought for this constitutional right on our behalf. One teacher in another state said, and I quote, “give me the right to carry, at least give me a chance to save my children and my life.” End quote. Of all the school massacres this one in Parkland, Florida provides us all the importance of individual responsibility and the need for our right to bear arms. Both the local and Federal Government failed in their most important promise, they did not protect us, not our teachers nor our kids.