It’s the NRA’s Fault

That’s the narrative coming from the Left and many of the kids from the Florida school shooting. Nobody can blame the kids for this narrative.  After all, these kids are the product of today’s liberal educators and parents. That and they’re kids!

It’s something to watch, that’s for sure. I guess the thinking (as if any thinking is actually going on) is that the NRA supports guns and a gun is what killed all those students so there you go…

A guy is drunk and kills someone while driving. Who gets the blame, the car, the alcohol or the driver? If not the driver, why is he jailed?

Someone uses a knife and robs a store. Are we marching against the knives? Are we boycotting the knife manufacturers?

A terrorist rents a Ford U-Haul truck and mows down people on Main Street. U-Hauls fault? What about Ford?  They made that big truck.  Is it their fault?

A few years ago, two brothers used pressure cookers to blow people up during a marathon in Boston. The authorities killed one of the brothers (terrorist) and jailed the other. Was this tragedy caused by the pressure cookers or the brothers who turned them into bombs? Did we ban pressure cookers? Should we? Should businesses ban all Americans who use pressure cookers?

I suspect you get my point. So in each of these cases and based on the current discussions regarding the school shooting, should we consider banning all trucks, all knives, pressure cookers and all alcohol?  Should this be the discussion we should be having? Will banning any of these stop the killings they’ve caused? What if we at least increase the age to 21 before one can own a knife or car? We already have to be 21 to drink so I guess that’s ok or should it be 25 or go back to prohibition? You remember how well that worked out…

Banning guns would be just like prohibition.  The non-law abiding citizens would have guns leaving the rest of us vulnerable or the ban would cause law abiding citizens to become unlawful citizens. Negative and unhelpful either way.

I honestly don’t know what I am missing. I cannot, for the life of me, begin to understand the thinking coming from these liberals who are so against our Second Amendment. One Senator from Florida, during a so called town hall meeting, aired by CNN came right out and said “People don’t kill people, guns do.” He said that out loud, on television in front of all those who had just gone through the school shooting. I’ll repeat it, “People don’t kill people, guns do.”   I never thought anyone on the Left would ever have the courage to make such an insane comment out loud. I was obviously mistaken.

In the simplest terms, that means that a gun is a living, breathing thing. It can load itself, aim itself and pull its own trigger. Amazing thing, a gun is.  Seventeen people were killed and this is the argument coming from a United States Democrat Senator. It goes without saying, but I will anyway. Not a single gun, on its own, killed anyone, ever. Same goes for a car, a pressure cooker, a knife, a box cutter, a baseball bat, an airplane or even a fist attached to a man’s arm. In each of these cases, it was the sick and evil mind of a person that killed innocent people.

As for having an honest discussion about protecting our schools, I can only refer you to the article (Florida Shooting) that I wrote two days after the horrible incident. My opinion hasn’t changed. It scares me that the leaders in this country don’t have productive ideas to protect our children. Everything being proposed is naïve and nothing more than a band aid.

Proposed changes from leadership:

Ban all AR15 rifles: Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. What about M1s, 22s and 500 other gun types?

Raise the age to 21 to buy all guns:  There are sick, evil people of all ages. How old was the Vegas shooter, 50, 60?

Boycott the NRA: See above.

Arm the schools:  This will reduce the number killed but not stop the killing.

Increase and improve background checks: Again, this will help keep guns from people who shouldn’t have them but, it will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals who want to kill. It will help but not stop the killings. Don’t forget about all the other ways to perform evil…

Better care for the mentally ill: Good, but our kids are going to school tomorrow. Another band aid

What ideas do you have?

In the President’s round table discussion, with a number of the victim’s families, there was a father who lost his daughter.  He had his two sons with him. He was pissed off and he said so. He was smarter than everyone else in the room, including the school officials, law enforcement and yes, the President. This sounds like bragging on my part because he said the same thing I’ve been saying about the solutions.  They’re just band aids. The father wanted the schools secured. No one gets in without being checked, without having their bags checked and then the doors locked. He truly wants to fix the problem and not in a year or even a month, tomorrow before his boys go back to school.

To finish, as for the NRA, Americans should thank the NRA and stand beside them. If not for the NRA, we would be without our Second Amendment entirely. They have fought for this constitutional right on our behalf. One teacher in another state said, and I quote, “give me the right to carry, at least give me a chance to save my children and my life.” End quote. Of all the school massacres this one in Parkland, Florida provides us all the importance of individual responsibility and the need for our right to bear arms. Both the local and Federal Government failed in their most important promise, they did not protect us, not our teachers nor our kids.

Florida Shooting

Another horrific school shooting. It’s so sad and heartbreaking. I cannot even begin to imagine the horror that the kids and the parents are going through. There are simply no words to put this into proper perspective. I can only pray for their healing and strength.

As with every shooting incident, fingers of blame are pointed everywhere. In this incident, it may be even worse than past events.

Finger Pointing:

#1- Some good citizen did exactly what we are all encouraged to do. He saw this sick kid’s post on social media and he notified the FBI.  The FBI interviewed, of all things, the guy who reported it.  They never tracked down the kid.  They never even spoke to him. Ridiculous.

#2- Lack of focus on mental illness in the country. No doubt we can do better.

#3- No armed security guard(s) at the school. Schools around the country that have armed security have a better safety record. It seems to me that armed security could reduce the number of injured or killed, but it likely won’t stop the attempted killers.

#4- The standby favorite – Gun Control. You know where I stand on this. I did see an excellent quote this evening though. “In Africa an idiot kills a Lion and they blame the idiot. In America some idiot shoots a human being and we blame the gun.” End Quote.

So as the finger pointing continues and everyone fights over what should be done, our kids will get up in the morning, say goodbye to their parents, and the parents will worry for their safety as they go off school.

The time has long since passed.  We need to fix this problem and stop all the chatter and finger pointing. It won’t be cheap but what price would we place on our child? The fact is there is no amount of money we wouldn’t pay to ensure our kid’s safety. While nothing is 100% we could do so much more. We spent billions on climate change for what? This is just one small example of money wasted in this country.

So, what’s the solution?  It seems to me, as sad as it is, the time has come when our kids enter their school the same way we all board airplanes. We have to show ID, we are body scanned and our bags are physically checked. When the airplane door shuts, nobody else gets in and we have good reason to feel safe.  As I said, nothing is 100% fail safe, but if you think about it, airline safety has a pretty damn good track record. The other thing is how we build our schools. School construction planning should revolve around safety. Secured access. Put open play areas in the middle of the structure so access is protected.

A determined killer can do harm to our kids before school and after school, on the weekends, at a parade, or even in the safety of their own home. Does that mean that we shouldn’t commit to making sure that when our kids are in school, they are safe? Shouldn’t we attempt to control what we can control?

Is securing our schools more realistic than pretending we are going to collect 300 million guns from our fellow citizens? We know the bad guys aren’t going to turn their guns in. Would protecting our kids in their schools be more effective than our trying find and stop every person with mental problems? Wouldn’t this type of security be better than hoping two, or three, or four armed security guards are in the right place when evil unleashes evil? Are we really going to leave our kid’s lives in the hands of the FBI and law enforcement, hoping that they find and arrest every evil sole in this country? Unrealistic. While Washington and the special interest groups argue over the “what ifs”, our kids go off to school in the morning…

To me it’s time for less talking and more doing. These are our kids and enough is enough. The kids should be safe when the school door shuts behind them.  For God’s sake, we cannot have someone walk onto school grounds with an AR15 hidden in a bag.

I finish as I started, by praying for every child and family affected by this horror.

“Lord please hold each of these families in your loving arms. Comfort them Lord as only you can. Give them the strength they need to get through each minute, each day, and for all of their lives. Welcome their loved ones Lord to your Kingdom. Take away their tears, their fears and fill them with your love. Hold them close until we can once again be near them. In the name of Jesus Christ our saviour, Amen.” 


What Happened?

As they say, My Cup Runneth Over.  I don’t know when it happened and I certainly don’t know why it happened but, between you and me, this country has gone crazy!

The girls are now allowed to join the Boy Scouts. Men can use the girl’s restrooms and girls can use ours. Thousands of women march in cities across America wearing hats depicting vaginas. The Government shut completely down over a debate on illegal non-American citizens. The Black community continues to vote for people who have never done anything to improve their lives. Hispanic illegal aliens demand to stay in the country, stomp on the American flag and tell the President to F-off. The FBI, CIA, DOJ and possibly, the former President teamed up to rig the 2016 Presidential election. The main stream media doesn’t care. The Democrats, who represent at least half of the 300M Americans voted no on tax cuts for the very people they represent. The former Secretary of State actually took a hammer and smashed her cell phones, then she used bleach bit (whatever that is) on her computers to erase all her data and then claimed she has nothing to hide. The former President gave a billion dollars in cash to a country that publically chants “death to America.”  The Government wouldn’t listen to the people so they elected a billionaire, builder and TV celebrity to represent them.

You see where I am going yet? This is just a short list of things that make me say, “What happened?” What on earth has happened to us and our country that made these things AND so many other stupid and unexplainable events take place? I use the word “stupid” because my vocabulary is so deep… That and it is the perfect word to describe all of the nonsense.

Honestly, every day it’s something else. Just when you think we’ve reached the bottom of the barrel along comes some other stupid thing.

Listen, the majority of the American people just want to live their lives and feel good about their country and the people they’ve elected to represent them. They want to focus on their families and loved ones. Instead we are bombarded with all of this nonsense, nonsense that leaves most of us shaking our heads and just walking away. I can see why so many are clueless about such matters. I used to think they were a part of the problem. Now I am starting to think they are the smart ones.

I wish I could tell you that “this too shall pass”.  In our 24/7 new cycle world, where everyone feels they have special rights, and personal responsibility has long since passed us by, I can’t say “this too shall pass”. All I can do is tell you to keep your focus on the things that matter the most to you and fight-the-fight at whatever level makes you comfortable.

In the meantime, if all else fails, we can always bring our service-peacock to sit on the airplane with us to calm us…

That makes sense

Last night I watched Martha MacCallum interview Trey Gowdy. In case you don’t know, Mr. Gowdy is one of our Federal House Representatives. He is currently the chair of the House Oversight Committee.  He came into the spotlight during the Obama administration while investigating such high profile issues as Benghazi, the IRS, and the Clinton email debacle.

Most people that I know respect this man and believe he seeks the truth in all matters that come before him. The Left hate Mr. Gowdy because he is hard hitting, well prepared at congressional hearings, and doesn’t appear to give a hoot about anything other than the truth. As you can tell, I am among his fan base. Not that he would care or rather find important.

Mr. Gowdy announced that he would not seek reelection.  This is the reason that Martha was interviewing him.

Ok, you’re on the same page now!

One of the questions that Martha asked Mr. Gowdy was, People say to me that you’ve done good work.  They want to know why anyone hasn’t gone to jail.  She was making reference to each of the cases I noted above (Benghazi, the IRS and Clinton email/home server).

Just when I thought I knew everything, Mr. Gowdy’s answer taught me something new. Having heard his response I have to admit, I felt pretty stupid because it was so obvious and made so much sense.

Mr. Gowdy’s response: I get asked the same question every Saturday when people come up to me at Publix. Why haven’t you put these people in jail? Well, Congress doesn’t have the power to put anyone in jail. You could come before us and admit to robbing a bank and there is nothing we would be able to do about it. We provide oversight.  We seek to uncover the truth for everyone to see but, only the Executive Branch through the DOJ has the power to prosecute. Duh… until tonight, I’ve been among the many Americans disgruntled with Congress for not seeing these investigations through. Now I get it.  It makes sense.

It’s not as though the Obama’s DOJ, Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch were ever going to prosecute one of their own (Hillary Clinton and the IRS).

Martha asked Mr. Gowdy, Do you think any of these cases will ever be prosecuted?  Gowdy’s response: We are our own worst enemy. I mean, we decided who would be our Attorney General. We picked the new FBI Director.  You tell me Martha.  Interesting, isn’t it? I won’t forget this comment.  I know that if Hillary is never brought to trial it will be because the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions either didn’t have the stones to do it or he is just part of the Washington swamp. You know damn well that the President wants these cases and people brought to justice. Hillary is not alone either. Many, many others played key roles in these cover-ups, including Mr. Obama himself. It is clearer to me now more than ever, that Sessions was a bad choice for AG.

I enjoyed the interview and I feel even stronger that Mr. Gowdy is a man of great integrity. He said that others will take his place and do a better job than he. I disagree.

Thank you for your service Trey, all the best to you.


The Memo


While the memo confirmed what most of us who were paying attention already knew, I have to admit I am a bit disappointed with it. There was so much hype about the memo that I probably “jumped in” more than I should have. My expectations were probably unrealistic too.

I was hoping for something like; On June 3rd at 3 pm Obama met with Hillary Clinton and FBI Director Comey to discuss the plan to bring down Donald Trump. Obama was quoted as saying “We cannot let Trump win because he will undo everything I did as President.” And Hillary said “I am entitled to be President, you know that Mr. Comey.  So, how do we ensure this happens?” Like I said, my expectations might have been a little too high. Of course, now that I say all this, we don’t know if that didn’t happen do we?

Let’s have some fun. Perhaps the conversation continued.

Comey:  What we can do, is leak a fake report saying Trump is colluding with the Russians. Everyone hates the Russians. We will get buy-in from some of the Republicans like McCain and Flake. We will need to come up with some dirt to help the story along.

Hillary: I can have my campaign pay for opposition research. Will that work?

Comey: That would be helpful. I think my guys can use that opposition research to go to the FISA court and get permission to spy on Trump and his campaign. We leak tid-bits now and then to further discredit Trump and sell the Russian story.

Hillary: I’m willing to pay up to 12 million dollars to get the dirt we will need. To keep distance from us, I’ll hire Steel the British spy. While all of this is going on Jim, you can pretend like you’re investigating me over the email bullshit.

Comey:  Are you okay with this Mr. President?

Obama:  I’m ok with anything that keeps Trump from becoming President. I didn’t work this hard to screw-up America only to have him take office and expose all that I did. I’m sure I can get the DNC to pitch in some money too. Hillary, do you have Bernie taken care of?

Hillary: Don’t worry about Bernie, Debbie has that covered.

Comey: Ok, sounds like we have a plan. Remember, this meeting never happened. This goes without saying but, Hillary, I assume you’ll keep me on as Director, right?

Hillary: Of course Jim.

Interesting, isn’t it? When you look at it this way, it sounds quite possible doesn’t it…

Exposing all of the true events is going to take a long time and require a lot of money. Not to mention, a lot of courage by the Republicans. The Democrats will fight this every step of the way. The country will never be able to move on until someone higher up than some FBI agent goes to jail. Until that happens the idea of equal justice under the law will remain only words on a very important piece of paper.

God be with us!