What Am I Missing?

Last night millions of us, less the 13 Democrats who protested, watched the President give his State of the Union speech. Admitting I favor conservative policies and fully understanding half of the country does not, I ask you “what am I missing?” What did the President say last night that the democrats hated so much that they couldn’t stand and cheer?

I honestly can’t remember a time when the Left has so blatantly shown the world what they stand for. Seriously, the results are in.  If there was ever any question, the Democratic Party clearly showed last night that they put Americans last. They couldn’t even get out of their seats to applaud “In God We Trust”. They hate the President so much and they want their power back so badly, they’re willing to turn against our core beliefs.

I understand it is politics.  I know this isn’t the first State of the Union where one side sat and the other side stood. But Mom taught me that two wrongs don’t make a right.

What I find appalling is that the Democrats didn’t stand for those very things that “anyone” who loves our country and who loves our people would willingly stand and cheer for.

The members of congress who are among the racist Black Caucus didn’t even stand when the President announced black unemployment is at the lowest level ever. The Black Caucus! What part of that statement isn’t positive, isn’t encouraging, and good for our fellow Americans? When the President spoke about standing up for our flag and putting our hands over our hearts, the Democrats never moved. Again, if you are an American and you love our country, why no reaction? When he introduced us to the two couples who had lost their daughters to the MS13 gang they remained in their seats while my wife and I wiped the tears running down our cheeks. When he said we are no longer going to send our money to countries that are not our friends, the Democrats remained in their seats. What part of that statement could they possibly disagree with? When he announced, against the wishes of his own party, that he is willing to nearly triple the number of illegal aliens’ amnesty (amnesty that the Democrats had requested), they booed. One of the leading Hispanic congressmen stood up and walked out. Does that make any sense at all? Again, “What Am I missing?”

Every single thing the President spoke about was good for the country and therefore good for you and me. He talked about the growing economy, tax reform, higher wages, bonuses, removal of the individual mandate, the dismantling of ISIS, less regulation, manufacturing on the increase, highest stock market ever, lowest unemployment among Hispanics and Blacks and women’s unemployment lowest in 17 years. He wants to, for once and all fix the Nation’s immigration problems, rebuild our aging infrastructure, strengthen our border to protect Americans and stop the flow of drugs. He restated his devotion toward our military and our vets.  He stated that it was we, the people, who are making America Great Again. None of these goals, none of these very good things for America were greeted positively by the Democrats. Through their inaction one can only assume that they are against it all. Even if you set aside the fact they didn’t stand or cheer, the looks on their faces told the real story.

If you ever questioned my earlier posts, telling you the Left only cares about regaining their power. If you have an ounce of common sense, last night’s reaction to the President’s address, should have dispelled any questions you have.

You simply cannot love America, care about her people and be against any of these important initiatives that the President presented to the world. You can disagree about the details of how we get these things done and you can fight to get more of what you believe is important but you cannot remain in your seat when you’re presented with positive and hopeful ideas that are good for our country and our people. When a President says “You (me and you) are making America Great Again,” you must stand and cheer. The depth of the Left’s hate for this President harms us all in very deep and scary ways.

Any of us can dislike, even hate what the President may have done when he was a private citizen. We don’t have to make excuses for any of that. He was a billionaire who used his power to get what he wanted. In the process people were used and hurt. Today however he is not a private citizen, he is the President. He was elected because millions of Americans could no longer stand by and watch the politicians steal our wealth, take away our freedoms, and make promises that never came true. This brash billionaire stood before us and didn’t pretend he was a saint. He openly told us he was a part of the billionaire club that paid for special interest to get what he wanted. He spoke in a way that wasn’t fancy or deep thinking, but in a manner that every-day people could understand and appreciate. Suddenly the politically correct crowd was being called out. The left wing media was exposed. He said the politicians are all talk and no action. Who among us can disagree with that? When he asked the Black community, “what in the hell do you have to lose?” we thought to ourselves, “What do you have to lose?”

So, I finish as I started, “What Am I missing?” What part of the President’s speech was bad for us or bad for the country, what part?

Never in my life time have I been so adamant about the need for Americans to vote in November. We must all come out and vote. We must give this President a huge majority so that he can continue to fix this country, and as the king of branding always says, “Make American Great Again.” We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a big and important difference in our own lives. Obama ran on “Hope and Change”, the problem was, it was the wrong type of hope and change. This President offers us a chance for real and positive hope and change. We can’t let him down and more importantly, we can’t let this opportunity pass us by. Assume nothing.  Vote and tell everyone you know to vote! United we Stand. This is our time.

 President Trump Quote on Immigration

“My duty, and the sacred duty of every elected official in this chamber, is to defend Americans, to protect their safety, their families, their communities, and their right to the American Dream. Because Americans are dreamers, too.”