California High

I was born and raised in California. It might be the most beautiful state of them all.  Consider all that it has to offer; Pacific Ocean, snowcapped Sierra Mountains, Desert, Redwood Forest, Farming and even the big city life of LA and San Francisco. To me, the state has so much to offer however between the politics and high taxes it is difficult for me to understand why anyone would want to call it home.

Following my ritual review of the morning headlines I have to jump in. “We are a Sanctuary State” signs are being installed under their “Welcome to California” signs. And, as you know, today they celebrate their ability to legally purchase marijuana for recreational purposes. Recreational purposes, that’s some spin huh? What do they do, get high and then play basketball? Go jogging? Give me a break.

I grew up around pot users. If you live and go to school in California, there is simply no way around it.  You are exposed to it as a young person.  You have to make choices in life, hopefully good ones, but it’s not easy. I grew up around it and tried it.  What I came away with is that using makes you stupid, in most cases it’s worse than that, it makes you an idiot.  While you users think you’re cool, calm, and relaxed, those of us with a clear head can tell you – you’re not cool, you sound and act like a moron. That’s what weed represents to me. It alters your brain and not in a good way.  Although I don’t know that altering your brain can ever be a good thing. This morning there’s an article slamming conservative Laura Ingraham for expressing outrage over CNN’s New Year’s Eve coverage of Californians smoking pot and how to use a bong.  Laura is a responsible parent and she doesn’t appreciate CNN displaying this so that her kids and young people in general see it and somehow think it’s ok or cool or fun. I don’t appreciate it either.

I really don’t judge anyone for what they choose to do privately.  It’s your life, do with it what you want. It’s not as though I am a puritan, I am not, but what I do, I do in private. When some people’s negative actions affect other people then I have a problem with it. This display on CNN is irresponsible. Why don’t they show the youth how to drink, show them how to take shots too so they can get higher quicker.  How does any of this help parents raise their kids responsibly? How does any of this help the kids who in today’s world already struggle with so many choices before them? It doesn’t help and it’s harmful and it angers me.  Yes I know, “don’t let your kids watch CNN New Year’s coverage.” It’s getting to a point that turning on the television with the kids in the living room is a risk. Where’s the Ed Sullivan show when you need it…

As for the sanctuary state signs, this is California being California. First they defy Federal Immigration law by allowing illegal immigrants sanctuary.  Then, they raise taxes to cover the cost increases in social services and education. They stand behind their policy even when legal Americans are killed in their streets by the very illegal aliens they gave sanctuary to (Illegal aliens with prior convictions). Then the state files law suits against the Federal Government when the Feds threaten to take away Federal Grants. We better add the cost of all the law suits to their immigration policy too. Then to top it off they’re angry because the new Federal Tax Law no longer allows them to write off their high State Income Taxes.

I swear, I don’t know how you people in California can stand to stay there. Better yet, I will never understand how you vote. Do you get high before entering the ballot box? Maybe that’s why you vote so stupidly. When you come out of the fog, take an honest look at what the leadership in your state has done to you. The state is all but broke because of their liberal policies and those of you working hard every day just keep voting for them and paying taxes that are simply outrageous.  For what, so you can say you’re a loving state that welcomes any and all even if it places you and your loved ones at risk?

I moved out of California in the 80’s and I’ve never looked back. I do watch your politics and I have to tell you, you’re out of your minds to remain in that beautiful state and you’re high as a kite if you think voting for more liberals will solve your many problems.  I guess I need a reality check myself because you obviously don’t think California has a problem.  It breaks my heart.  Watching the actions of California has turned me against you. At this point, I wish you would separate from the union and I hope President Trump builds his big beautiful wall around your eastern border. Then you can do whatever the hell you want, even pay more taxes to change your signs to “Northern Mexico, Americans not welcome.”

Whew, I feel a little better now.